Re: Ehippies new DoS tools and information

From ZoeScanner <>
Date Tue, 14 Mar 2000 21:59:46 -0800 (PST)

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Ok...we ALL agree on Freedom Of Speech as the
number one facet here....the a
nightmare of pro's n con's.... Do we let such
repulsive people as Hate groups spout their
amazingly repugnant propaganda? and possibly add
more ignorant recruits IN public Forums?
Protected? seems sacriligous somehow.... It was
much clearer before some Idiot went ahead and let
them claim their insane crusade a
religion....That was when the proverbial shit hit
the fan.... The only viable step to actually Stop
them would be to get the people together whom 
CAN decide what is truly religion and what is
Cultism & dangerous to others (duh?)..and have
them make a declaration on it. However....'for
some odd reasone' this is not being
done....hmmmmm.......All true religions are
protected...BUT ..cults are NOT. call me
crazy..but if these natz's and Purists, White
supremists ,etc. are not cults...then I dont know
what is anymore.... All I had to do to get Yahoo
to recognise their folly in allowing these groups
space to congregate was write em and give em the was appalled & immediately
took action.. They even responded back later
thanking me for letting them know....these groups
pose a very real threat.....methinks to just
pounce upon them as they "peacefully" congregate
is going to just add fuel to their fire...and
cause anyone doing this to loose credibility. Not
that I wouldnt enjoy splitting a few skulls there
to....Still..I would hate myself even worse for
giving them one shred of rightous indignation to
feed the wavering public they seem to

How about leaving their flapping mouths
intact...and lets cut em off at the knees
methinks this is worth researching....
At all costs...I desire to be seen as at least
slightly more intelligent than stoop
to their level would make me unable to face
meself in the mirror......  DoS does not TAKE
AWAY their freedom of speech...just inconvenience
it from time to time....unfortunately...the base
fact remains...real success with these people is
gonna take much more than DoS.... When we find
the people whom CAN declare if they are a
religion OR a cult...Then we have  tangeble
grounds to act upon.....IF,next, we educate
everyone we can...& work together to convince
this group of people...we can accomplish
something solid
I fear all this rucus about free speech & denial
of  their (sleazers) rights will soon bring down
the FEDs breathing down our necks...they already
do that to some of us,but want to control it
ALL...lets not give em the reasone. Lets take
APPROPRIATE action....

--- Matt Doughty <> wrote:
> You are obviously to blinded by hate of the
> groups in question,an understandable
> feeling, to even look at this at all
> reasonably.  this is a slippery slope 
> line of reasoning of the worst kind. The idea
> of first its freedom of speech, 
[: quotesnip :]

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