Re: Ehippies new DoS tools and information

From Matt Doughty <>
Date Wed, 15 Mar 2000 13:31:54 +0900

[: hacktivism :]

You are obviously to blinded by hate of the groups in question,an understandable
feeling, to even look at this at all reasonably.  this is a slippery slope 
line of reasoning of the worst kind. The idea of first its freedom of speech, 
next all out genocide is foolish at best. Any militant hate group is going 
visit harm upon the rest of humanity. If a bunch of blood crazed protesters
go and throw stones at them it is going to do little deter their actions.
They aren't sitting around thinking "ok if we can just get a chance to make
hate speech in a public forum without an attempted stoning, then we can begin
our act on our plans for mass genocide" which, in essence, is what you suggest.
Now that we are past the point that somehow stone throwing prevents genocide lets
get to the meat of the matter.  Freedom of speech is protected which is benefit 
for all of us, racist included. If you try to strip this right from racists 
you are in effect stripping it from yourself.  It is more than a little arrogant
to think you are justified in physically attacking speakers, no matter how 
hateful the contents of the speech, when you would expect to be allowed to 
speak unmolested.  If you wish to start a race war with white hate groups
then that is your choice, but if you do so in a free speech forum then you are
not attacking white hate groups as much as you are attacking the first 
amendment.  The government could protect all groups in question by simply
gassing, beating, and jailing any group gathered in protest.  Get rid of 
freedom of assembly/speech/protest and suddenly those white hate groups are
not protected anymore when they stand in front of city hall and spew hate. 
Unfortunately, Neither are you.  Personally, I like freedom of speech and 

> That's exactly what racists hope people will do, because after people allow 
> them to free speech they will turn the tables and start killing people who 
> aren't "white" either reverse oreos or people of color.

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