Frank Willems comments on Chang and Halliday book
Saul Thomas <>
Tue, 29 Nov 2005 11:33:21 -0600
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Mao, The unknown story
J. Chang and J. Halliday, 2005
A critical assessment by Frank Willems
Mao was a monster, even worse than Hitler. He was liable for the death of
millions of Chinese, and this not only during the civil war, but worse
still, during peacetime. For those who were as 'fortunate' as to survive
he transformed China into hell. To be sure, this was not the result of
policy errors in his strife for a lofty ideal, but the direct
consequence of his extreme egoism and his morbid thirst for violence and
terror. This is Jung Chang's message; we can read it on the first and the
last page of weighty tome; what is in between is an impressive, but
fallacious attempt to give historical credibility to her theses.
As the book has been progressively released around the world, from the UK
to the USA, in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Australia and surely soon
in France too, appallingly few mainstream media have questioned the methods
used by Jung Chang; almost none challenge the message itself. Only a
handful reviewers point to the obviously unscientific approach.
Frank Mc Lyn is one of those rare critical commentators. In The Independent
under the heading 'Too much hate, too little understanding', he says:
'There is a lot of bad history in all senses in this volume. Bad not just
in the methodological sense -…- but also in the interpretive sense.' ' To
anyone who knows nothing of all this, this new life of Mao might serve as a
useful introductory primer. But for anyone else this attempt at a
"groundbreaking biography" will be deeply problematical'.' But everything
is one-dimensional. It is all Mao and his rages, Mao and his women, Mao and
his rivals, Mao and Stalin, but never Chinese social structure or the
analysis of the peasantry.' Mc Lyn exposes Jung Chang's distortion of
proven historical facts: 'Everything that can be construed as working in
Mao's favour during his struggle with Chiang is freighted with a meaning it
cannot bear, whether it is General George Marshal's visit to China in
1945-46 (the authors are meanspirited and misleading about Marshal and do
not even mention Vinegar Joe Stilwell, another American general who saw
right through Chiang) or Stalin's many vacillating interventions in Chinese
affairs. There is, for example, an obvious contradiction between the
widespread destruction of plant and material by the Soviet Union when it
entered the war against Japan in its last days in 1945 - and which so
angered Mao - and the assertion that only with Soviet help did Mao prevail
in the civil war On the Korean war the authors revive the old myth about
"hordes" of Chinese swamping the American army and defeating them by sheer
weight of numbers, which was simply propaganda put out by the Pentagon,
embarrassed by the poor showing of the US Marine Corps. And who is their
historical source for the Chinese "human waves"? Michael Caine. Come again?
Yes, I do mean that Michael Caine, the movie actor, whose personal memories
of the Korean War are given the status of holy writ.'' If you can believe
that Chou-en-lai, the master diplomat who wowed everyone from Kissinger to
Orson Welles, really was a hypermasochistic craven nonentity who played
lickspittle and toady to Mao for no apparent reason (at least the authors
do not suggest one), or are interested in the number of minor actresses Mao
bedded, this book has a certain entertainment value.'
Jug Chang, well aware that some of her specific allegations go straight
against the conclusions of the experts , without a spat of modesty declares
them all wrong. Not surprisingly, The Indpendendent asks:
'But why bother with the tiresome discipline of historical research when
you can make wild assertions buttressed by unknown or suspect oral sources
that are (in the authors' recurrent mantra) "little known today"' and
concludes 'But it is neither serious history nor serious biography'.
British author Philip Short whose own biography of Mao was published in
1999, has argued that Chang and Halliday have reduced Mao from a complex
historical character to a one-dimensional "cardboard cutout of Satan" and
that Chang is guilty of "writing history to fit her views"." (source:
In Australia Hamish MacDonald has collected some comments from around the
world for The Age:
Thomas Bergstein of Columbia University; New-York: 'The book is a major
disaster for the contemporary China field'. 'Because of its stupendous
research apparatus, its claims will be accepted widely, yet their
scholarship is put at the service of thoroughly destroying Mao's
reputation. The result is an equally stupendous number of quotations out of
context, distortion of facts and omission of much of what makes Mao a
complex, contradictory, and multi-sided leader.'
Steve Tsang of Oxford University refutes the allegation by Jung Chang that
the famous battle of Luding during the Long March is a mere
communist invention. This is not a detail: the bridge over the Dadu river
was the only way out for the red army encircled in a narrow valley by the
Kuomintang troops; no battle, according to Jung Chang, means that Chiang
Kaishek deliberately let the Red Army escape; it is the centerpiece of her
theory that Chiang never tried to annihilate the communist leadership. But
Tsang has searched the archives and confirms that 'Chiang Kai-shek did not
on this occasion or, as far as the Chiang Kai-shek papers reveal, on any
other occasion let the Red Army escape during the Long March'. Jung Chang
pretends to have interviewed the last surviving eyewitness at Luding; the
correspondent of The Age went to Luding, did not find a trace of Jung
Chang's witness, but found another eyewitness confirming that a battle
happened indeed.
For his part, Steve Tsang concludes 'that in this case, as generally in the
book, the authors
had been "appallingly dishonest" in the use of sources they claimed to have
Prof Davin , emeritus of Leeds University, points in the Times Literary
Supplement a number of historical errors and speculative assumptions; some
examples: 'Chiang Kai-shek's son had gone to Moscow in 1925 with his
father's permission, to study, rather than being virtually kidnapped there as
Chang and Halliday imply' 'The execution of Wang Shiwei, which the authors
say was used to
terrify the young intellectuals at Yanan during "rectification" campaign of
1942, did not actually take place until 1947'.'The authors must have noted
the account of the Chinese commander in the Korean War, General Peng
Dehuai, about how he told Mao about the death of his son, Mao Anying, from
an American bomb. Peng, whom the authors quote approvingly elsewhere,
recorded that Mao trembled so violently he couldn't light his cigarette.
After several minutes of silence, Mao said there would be sacrifices in
revolutionary war and Anying was one of many. Chang and Halliday prefer to
quote Mao's secretary as saying Mao had not "shown any great pain".' In the
authors' eyes the death of Mao's heir does not show that Mao refused to
favour even his own family, it is just another proof of his lack of human
British essayist James Heartfield (Spiked essays) notices that ' Jung
Chang and Jon Halliday struggle to explain Mao's victory in their Unknown
Story, because their hostility to their subject forbids any credit
whatsoever. In this telling the Red Army's victories over his Kuomintang
rivals are explained away as increasingly bizarre conspiracies. In the
decisive campaigns, they allege, the Kuomintang troops were led by CCP
spies infiltrated into the leadership 22 years earlier, when they were all
on the same side, and these generals deliberately led their men to disaster
after disaster .Worse still, the Western diplomats advising Britain and
America that the Kuomintang were corrupt and brutal, Archibald Clark Kerr
and Lauchlin Currie, were Soviet agents'.
In the same spirit Jung Chang represents the Japanese invaders as
quite moderated; their ambition was to conquer only some minor parts of
China; but they were lured into the 'total war' by a communist spy
infiltrated in the Kuomintang army chief of staff. The motive behind that
was Mao's intention to 'use the total war in order to force a Russian
intervention in his favour'( note: all quotes of the book are based on the
Dutch translation; they have been translated back into English, which may
cause minor discrepancies with the original English book). .
Jung Chang eulogizes the idyllic character of old precommunist China that
was so brutally destroyed by Mao. By doing so she blatantly contradicts
the vivid depiction of her grandmother's life of hardship that she gave in
her own bestseller 'Wild swans'. Jon Halliday does not do any better. In
unsuspected times, he wrote about the British colonial oppression in China
and Hongkong; now Halliday blames the bloody repression in Hongkong in 1967
on provocation by Mao. The Korean war (1950-53) too is largely blamed on
Mao, whereas in an older book he stressed the role of Truman as warmonger
already in 1949. James Heartfield continues:' In Chang and Halliday's
telling, Mao's determination to string out the war led America to bomb, in
US Assistant Secretary of State Dean Rusk's words 'until there was nothing
left to bomb'. No doubt Mao's cynical recklessness exacerbated the
conflict, but in the end it was America, not China that destroyed Korea.'
Inspired by her blind hatred Jung Chang's scoops are sometimes frankly
ridiculous. Mao launched the idea to build the Berlin wall; Stalin died
from heart attack, when reading a report on Mao's manoeuvres ; Kim Il Sung
's fatal heart attack was caused by his fearof the forthcoming publication
of Russian documents reporting on his suspect dealings with Mao. During the
1968 student riots in Europe, Chinese-trained Europeans experts in
subversion were sent back home by Mao. There are numerous such accusations
in the book, unfortunately it is not always so evident to expose them as
mere fantasy. When Jung Chang dwells over the 'more than 50 villas owned
by Mao', it takes some background information to identify these as the
guest houses built to accommodate high ranking officials on their frequent
inspection tours in the provinces; and what to think of the fresh fish
brought in from 1000 kilometres away? Of course she does not mention how
rarely that happened, for which very special occasions, for which
important foreign guests. When Mao engages an aide to help him run his
communist bookshop, Jung Chang interprets: he was too lazy to work himself,
but put the money in his pocket. When Mao stands up for the peasants, it is
not because he wants to improve their situation, but because he is
parroting party mantras. When, on top of all the misery that comes with the
civil war, Mao gets separated from his wife and children, for the authors
things are evident: he did not mind about them at all and never made the
effort to visit them. When from the Tian An Men rostrum in 1949 Mao
pronounces his famous words:' The Chinese people has finally stood up',
Jung Chang calls the content of his speech 'particularly dull' . When China
provides aid to third world countries and liberation movements; for Jung
Chang Mao's only target is to become the leader of the (third) world. And
when Mao is on his death bed, Jung Chang is even able to read minds: 'His
mind was clear till the last moment, he was occupied by only one thought,
that about himself and his power'.
Jung Chang masters the basic principles of propaganda: lie, lie and lie
again, there will always be something left, and where there is smoke, there
is fire.
Jung Chang consulted something like 1.200 written sources, the majority of
them in Chinese, published in the People's Republic. She claims to have
interviewed 400people. The reader is flooded with about 2.000 reference
notes . Impressive, at first sight. They only make this biography more
fabricated and the book more fallacious.
Making the effort to sort out the references leads to the straightforward
conclusion that the authors have squeezed all this impressive material
through the filter of their own preconceived opinions, serving the reader
only the drab.
This conclusion is corroborated by the testimony of one of the interviewed
in The Age: Sydney University's Teiwes recalls meeting Chang and Halliday
in Sydney during their research: 'She just had her views so set, and was
unwilling to entertain other opinions or inconvenient evidence. I remember
we were talking about 1956 and whatever her actual view was, I tried to
say, "Wait a minute, if you look at Mao's meeting with Zhou Enlai at the
end of April you can see something different". She just didn't want to hear
about it.'
Many articles promoting the book mention the 'basic ideology' of Mao,
exposed in chapter 2. Jung Chang plucks 16 short text fragments out of
themarginal notes on the 159 pages 'Ethics' of German philosopher
Paulsen, written by Mao at the time when he was influenced by European
liberal thinking, before becoming a communist ; 8 of the fragments are
mutilated, and 3 of them are used to complete a sentence that she starts
herself. These short fragments are then joined together with 3 pages of her
own comments, resulting in what indeed can only be called a monstrous
ideology, which allows her to conclude:' This vision, that he expressed so
clearly (sic!) at the age of 24, remained the core of Mao's ideology for
the rest of his life'. When Mao makes a philiosophical note on the eternal
renewal of universe, she concludes he wants to destroy everything; when he
elaborates on the relation between the ego and the external world, he
becomes for her the most abject of egoists, and so on.
Entirely consistent with her way of working, she does not quote or even
mention any of the important works Mao wrote later as a revolutionary
leader, and which squarely contradict this chapter. In her book we only
find truncated 'sayings' of Mao, usually out of any context but useful to
add some more horror to the story, such as 'Dead bodies make the land more
fertile' or 'If necessary, half of the Chinese will die'.; According to
Jung Chang, Mao said this at the 1957 congress of the CCP; it is again cut
and paste work; this time the original source is not an official CCP
congress document , but an unofficial collection of Mao-texts published in
the USA. In reality, under the 1950's US-threat to use nuclear weapons
against China, a threat to be taken seriously after Hiroshoma, Mao had made
the analysis that in a nuclear war half of the Chinese might die. Jung
Chang does not attack the immorality of Eisenhower's threat but the
analysis made by Mao. Jung Chang is using again and again the old tricks
from Cold War propaganda: isolate declarations of communist leaders from
their context and frame them in such a way that you create a strong
impression of callousness.
. Under the nose of the unsuspecting reader Jung Chang mixes up reliable
material with gossip and slander, adds some data plucked from an unrelated
context, seasons it with preferably anonymous testimonies of bloody and
cruel incidents and then lets her unbridled imagination and denigrating
language flow freely in order to fabricate the 'irrefutably proven' history
of 'Mao and his henchmen', the champion of egoism, callousness, intrigue,
murder, violence and terror.
The Long March is just a myth; it is a key contention of Jung Chang's. It
is difficult to deny the Red Army's march for thousands of kilometres in
very harsh conditions, with only about 4.000 from the original 80.000
participants arriving. But for Jung Chang, this was not a heroic feat at
all: Chiang Kaishek deliberately let the communist leaders escape to the
north-west, afraid of destroying them because his son was kept hostage in
the Soviet Union; no evidence is given for this theory; nor is the question
asked why Chiang was not afraid to annihilate the communist party in
Shanghai in 1927, at a time when his son was already in the Soviet Union.
Mao did not march himself, he was carried on a litter. In case the reader
might have missed the point the first time, Jung Chang comes back to it
twice. Of course she does not explain when and why Mao was carried. Sick
and badly wounded leaders were carried; and at the start of the Long March,
Mao's health was in a dire condition; it was even considered to smuggle him
out of the besieged base and send him off to Moscow for treatment, or
alternatively, to leave him back in the base.
In 1940, at the time of the anti-Japanese front between the Kuomintang and
the CCP, Chiang Kaishek attacks and decimates a communist army by surprise.
Juggling with data, documents and events the authors try to create evidence
that it was Mao himself who provoked the slaughter in order to eliminate an
army leader with whom he had to settle some old accounts.
During the Great Leap a lot of new infrastructure was built, including dams
and reservoirs. Jung Chang mentions that even 20 years after Mao's death
there were still more than 10 million people displaced for the sake of
reservoir building ptojects; she omits that at that time, in 1996, most
displaced persons had this status because of building projects started a
long time after Mao's death!
A politician should to be judged by his political practice. The greatest of
all Mao's political opponents, Deng Xiaoping, gave as his final verdict
that Mao had been 70% correct and 30% wrong, mainly at the end of his life.
in order to get a 70% correct score from your greatest political adversary,
you have to be good!
Political evaluation may be a matter of discussion. Jung Chang however
does not evaluate, she only condemns: in her eyes Mao was a criminal who
became a politician by accident; for her he is100% malicious and liable for
anything that went wrong, whether in reality or in her imagination.
In each and any of the many violent clashes in modern Chinese (and often
also in Korean, Vietnamese, Indonesian and even Russian) history, Mao is
the main culprit. His opponents - warlords, private militia of landlords,
the dictator Chiang Kaishek, the Japanese conqueror's army,
US-imperialism hardly play a role or bear a responsibility in the death of
50 million Chinese between 1927 and 1949.
Errors or problems in the construction and the development of New China
cannot be political mistakes by Mao; they can only be explained as an
expression of his unremitting zeal to starve and terrorize the Chinese
people to destroy the country and transform it into a compliant instrument
for his 'Superpowerprogram', that is supposed to make him the master of the
world. Mao is like the bad guy in a James Bond movie.
Large chunks of real history are notably absent from the book. Whatever
does not fit the image of the psychopath is ignored or explained by means
of complot theories or simple platitudes. How could Mao's peasant army beat
a much larger army like that of the Kuomintang which moreover was well
equipped thanks to US-support ? Only thanks to all-out support from the
Soviets (disputes with Stalin? never heard of them!) and communist moles in
Chiang's army. How was the New China under Mao's 27 years of leadership
able to climb out of underdevelopment slowly but steadily and by its own
efforts ? There was no development. How did Mao ssucceed in mobilizing the
overwhelming support of the Chinese people again and again? The population
was brainwashed and terrorized.
Mao was the first to recognize the peasants as a revolutionary force in
China. He organized them and started distributing the land of the
landowners to the landless. In doing so, he managed to organize a
relatively large red base in the countryside, whereas the party leadership
which focussed on workers' revolts, was virtually exterminated in he
cities. Mao had to form an army, without having money to pay for it: his
solution was to organize the rural population to defend their newly
acquired rights. Mao's work with the peasantry, that makes him so unique as
a revolutionary leader and until today an inspiring example for third world
liberation movements, is simply ignored in the book. The lasting popularity
of the communists in the countryside as a result of their actions in favour
of the poor peasants, the long search for an adequate balance between
expropriating landlords or only drastically reducing rents paid by the
small tenants, apparently these are all non-events. We learn only about
the smashing of violent resistance by some landowners and their hired
troops, all naturally explained as pointless terror by Mao,
Fighting against a much stronger adversary, Mao waged a guerrilla war. His
recipe: avoid battle, unless the local conditions are such that you are by
far the strongest. When during the Long March the Red Army was trapped by
the Kuomintang army at the border of Sichuan, he played cat and mouse for
months. Jung Chang interprets this as another of Mao's intrigues: he
deliberately lost four months, because if he had gone to Northern Sichuan
immediately his army would have had to join the stronger forces of his
'rival' Zhang Guotao.
Mao went to great efforts to conclude an anti-Japanese alliance with his
arch-enemy Chiang Kaishek. Jung Chang gives the merits exclusively to
Chiang, notwithstanding the historical fact that he only accepted
negotiations with the CCP under the treat of being killed by one of his own
generals. The unnatural alliance was exactly the move of genius by the
communists that made history tilt in their favour.
China's 20th century was particularly violent and the revolution was no
dance-party, as Mao rightly pointed out.
While searching for the right strategy, the CCP lived through a number of
twists and turns. Several erroneous strategies were punished by all but
extermination; internal discussions under such circumstances were far from
academic. Jung Chang zooms in on the internal conflicts and 'purges'; in
her caricature the communists are portrayed as a band of scoundrels, Mao
of course being the top villain. But nailing Mao to the pillory for
whatever had gonee wrong since the beginning of the party is more than one
bridge too far: he became party leader only after the Zunyi conference in
1935, in the middle of the Long March at a moment when everything seemed
lost. From there on until the final victory in 1949, the odds turned in
favour of the CCP, not in the least thanks to Mao. Jung Chang may try to
minimise that, she will not be able to deny it.
After 1949 the CCP faced the immense and unprecedented challenge of
developing and modernizing an immense peasant country with relatively few
natural resources. Mao formulated answers to the questions of the day.
After the land reform and the distribution of the land, he argued in favour
of a fast collectivisation of the hundreds of millions small farms; larger
scale farms would make for more efficient farming and produce more to feed
a new class of workers that was building the state-owned industry;
collectivisation would set free agricultural manpower at the countryside,
opening possibilities for wide ranging infrastructure works, a rural
administration, trade, rural industry serving local needs, basic medical
care and education. In Jung Chang's distorted view, all this is reduced to
terrorizing the peasants to extort more food.
After expropriating the small number of large capitalists - foreign firms
and some Chinese closely linked to the Kuomintang-dictatorship - , smaller
industrial or trading capitalists were mainly bought out, often through
joint-ventures as a first step. 1953 saw the launching of the first
Soviet-style five-year plan, the very first blueprint to develop China
as a socialist industrial nation. Many of the main guidelines put forward
at that time are still influential today. The reader will hardly find any
relevant information about these times of great changes in Mao, The unknown
Jung Chang only sees repression against speculators, people practising
fraud, corrupt officials, Kuomintang saboteurs, but also against the
peasants who starve from hunger even before the Great Leap; for her it is
just another seemingly endless series of cruelties, conveniently fitting in
what she calls Mao's 'Superpowerprogram' , a spectre she isconjuring up
time and again without ever proving its existence or even clearly
explaining what it is.
In the sixties Mao became more and more preoccupied with the future sort of
socialism: he noted the widening gap between the leading bureaucratic
officials and the common people and got alarmed by what was happening in
the Soviet Union; he criticized party cadres who proposed to
introduce what he considered capitalist measures and behaved in
'bourgeois' ways; he had strong ideas on socialist culture as something
radically new whereby the difference between blue collar and white collar
workers would disappear and every worker would be impregnated by the common
interest; he first tried to advance his ideas through a rectification
campaign at the countryside, but starting in 1966 radicalized the movement
by calling the youth and the workers for large scale mass movements
targeting even top officials. This Cultural Revolution quickly turned into
chaos and severely slowed down the economic development during the second
half of the sixties. Deng Xiaoping would later declare that Mao made the
wrong analysis when launching the Cultural Revolution. Deng's analysis is
political , a matter of discussion. Jung Chang on the other hand keeps
dishing up the same old story: the CR is Mao taking revenge on his
political opponents and trying to consolidate his personal dictatorship.
She does not advance any real argument for her thesis, but that is not
really a problem: this narrow vision on the Cultural Revolution has long
since been pushed trough by the mainstream media and so does not have to
be proved anymore.
Today Mao is still revered by a large majority of the Chinese people as the
founder of New China. But even taking this into account Jung Chang is
unable to admit that he had at least some merits. For her, the older
generation has been brainwashed and the younger simply does not have any
historical background.
For all their acknowledging that Jung Chang's historiography is a grotesque
fabrication, almost all mainstream reviewers nevertheless feel compelled to
kowtow to the theory that Mao indeed was a mass murderer.
Well, what to think about the alleged 70 million victims of Mao? Victims in
peacetime moreover, a little calculating trick that ranks him before
Hitler. Should we accept Jung Chang's figures as scientifically correct?
In 1958 the collectivization of agriculture, already started in 1953, was
accelerated. Agricultural cooperatives were merged into people's communes,
with the active support of the government. In the communes, there was
centralized management of the land and all the tools of several villages,
in total about 20.000 people. This created conditions for more efficiency
Surplus manpower would not only create new infrastructure, but also
industrialize the rural areas through small scale workshops, thereby
starting to solve the old and universal problem of the modernisation of the
Initially, the system seemed to work, with a record grain harvest of 200
million metric tons in 1958. Overambitious by this success, the planners
predicted an output of grain and steel for the coming years going far
beyond realistic targets; fake success reports by opportunistic local
cadres pushed the ambitions even further. The infantile diseases of a
completely new organisational system, poor overall planning, a wrong
concept of industrialization (we need steel, so let's produce it
everywhere), made the grain output in 1959 tumble to 170 million tons, a
critical but not catastrophic level. In some places the grain was not
harvested because the farmers had to produce steel. Correcting measures
were only taken half 1960; too late; grain output sunk further to 144
million tons; there were no reserves left to support areas with poor
harvest due to local bad weather conditions, resulting in severe local
famines. To make the catastrophe complete, the industrial production
suffered from the rupture with the Soviet-Union. It is significant how Jung
Chang arrives at her very high-end figure of 38 million victims, she makes
a correct calculation with a margin of only 10.000, based on the yearly
population figures and mortality rates of the concerned period.
Irrefutable? Well, how to explain then that she finds a population decrease
of 15 million in 1960, whereas the official party history also based on
official figures only finds a 10 million decrease? The answer is
astonishingly simple: there are no official yearly population figures; all
figures circulating are extrapolations of censuses made in 1953, 1964 and
1982. Jung Chang's irrefutable scientific calculations are based on shoddy
data. Applying a straight extrapolation to the official censuses results in
a missing population of 20-25 million, a figure that is frequently quoted
by more serious western analysts; the official party history in 1992
suggests 10 million people missing; this document was published at a time
when Deng Xiaoping was frantically trying to undercut the Maoist influence
in the party, so we should not expect any bias in favour of the Great Leap
in it. All these missing Chinese are not premature deaths; a substantial
part can be traced down to much lower birth rate in times of food shortage.
The late Dutch sociologist professor Wim Wertheim as well as emeritus
professor Ching-Yuan Tung of University of Maryland stress that the
censuses were actually crude samplings with a fairly large error margin,
and as far as 1953 and 1982 concerns, a political bias upwards. In 1953
China needed a lot of people to counter the American nuclear treat, and in
1982 a high census result was good to make the one-child family policy more
acceptable. This creates the impression of a larger than real cohort of
missing Chinese in 1964. Wertheim who did extensive rural fieldwork after
the Great Leap, in 1964, concludes that the real number of premature deaths
must be substantially under 10 million.
The way Jung Chang arrives at 27 million victims of forced labour in
prisons is even more dubious. Starting from 'common estimations' of 10
million political inmates on average, and based on anonymous testimonies,
assuming a mortality rate of 10% per year, it neatly gives 27 million
victims in 27 years. The reader will not find sources for these
estimations. She knows why: such estimations come exclusively from old
Kuomintang propaganda in Taipeh and other unreliable rightwing publications
such as the 'Black book of communism'. In a report to the ILO in 1957, the
Taipeh government then exclusively representing China announced 25 million
forced labourers in prisons of the People's Republic; the ILO did not
publish those unreliable data. Reliable testimonies about harsh living
conditions resulting in high mortality rates are equally non-existent.
In order to arrive at 70 million victims, Jung Chang invents another three
million during the Cultural Revolution. This time she frankly admits that
it is entirely her own 'minimal' estimation. In 1980-81, the Gang of Four,
the ultra-leftist group held responsible for most of the excesses of the
Cultural Revolution, was put on trial for the death of approximately 35.000
people. This may not be the full picture, but we are two orders of
magnitude lower than Jung Chang.
Juggling with fantastic figures about people killed under communism, in
casu under the leadership of Mao, is not new. Shortly after the leftist
springtime in the Western world in 1968, the first horror stories appeared.
But Jung Chang goes a substantial step further: the victims are no longer
the consequence of a necessarily crude development strategy devised by Mao
but of straight and deliberate criminal starvation and militarization.
Her evidence is based on ignoring whatever can be construed as positive and
on systematic selectivity in favour of negative elements. That in the
nineteen-fifties prior to the Great Leap the food supply improved from year
to year notwithstanding the fast growing population, is not in her book;
the reader will only find anecdotal evidence suggesting widespread hunger.
Food exports by China to pay for import are presented as scandalous, Jung
Chang does not explain how a country can pay for imports of necessary goods
without exporting. Barter trade of food against machinery, with the German
Democratic Republic -former East Germany- is simply called 'giving away
food to the rich". The substantial development aid to some poor countries
does not escape her wrath neither.
She makes mention of food exports in 1958 and 1959, but says nothing on
food exports during the crisis years immediately thereafter.
Food export served only to import military goods, if we believe the
'Unknown Story'. But Jung Chang has not been able to document any sizeable
weapons import under the leadership of Mao. No problem, she knows that
China imports weapons technology from Russia, including even nuclear
weapons' technology . For the convenience she ignores that China tested its
first nuclear weapon only in 1964, whereas the technological cooperation
with the Soviet-Union stopped in 1961.
When manipulating statistics she systematically considers each new factory
built as part of the military effort; any form of industrial investment is
reclassified as military investment; not surprisingly, her Chinese military
budgets reach astonishing heights.
In the end, is Jung Chang right to say that China would have been better
off without Mao? Between 1949 and 1976 the life expectancy of 800 million
Chinese increased from 35 to 63 years; to appreciate such a progress, we
should compare that with today's figures in Africa or India. How many
premature deaths happen every year in those countries through
malnutrition, poverty, lack of basic medical care, and avoidable natural
catastrophes? By almost doubling the life expectancy of the Chinese
population, Mao has given an estimated 35 billion extra years of life to
the Chinese people;
There are good reasons why Mao remains so popular in China, as well with
the old generation who personally experienced his leadership as with the
younger generation who only know him from hearsay. The present Chinese
government follows a strategy fundamentally different from Mao's strategy;
they are not he ones that create or sustain the Mao-cult.
In 1949 Mao Zedong woke up the sleeping giant that was already intriguing
Napoleon. Mao put an end to several centuries of economic and technological
stagnation, to more than a century of colonial humiliation and to decades
of corrupt dictatorship. He distributed land to eighty percent of the
population. At the time of his decease, the large majority of Chinese for
the first time in history had enough food, clothing and shelter, access
to medical care, access to primary school and to higher education for those
capable of it. Mao tirelessly insisted on the women's liberation; he
eradicated opium addiction, gambling and prostitution. The spectacular
improvement of the living conditions made the population double in little
more than 30 years, while the food consumption per head increased. The
average growth of the economy was over 6%. Mao left his successors a stable
rural economy, a fairly comprehensive heavy and light industry, a network
of roads, railways, ports, airports, dikes, dams, irrigation canals,
reservoirs, schools, hospitals...Without all this, Deng Xiaoping would not
have been able even to consider his own great leap forward. Mao steered
China into the UN and the security council and had it acknowledged as one
of the big international players. Mao put China on the map of the third
world as a reliable partner and support and for some as a source of
inspiration till today. He realized a drastic improvement of the sort of
almost one quarter of humanity. Mao was not a monster; he was and remains
one of the greatest politicians in the 20th century.