"China and Socialism" discussions and debates
YAN Hairong <yhairong@uiuc.edu>
Sun, 2 Oct 2005 01:47:17 -0500
Hi all,
Many of you probably already know this, but just in case some
may not, the Taiwan-based leftist journal _Pipan yu zaizao_
has published a series of very serious discussions that have
specifically and critically engaged Matin Hart-Landsburg and
Burkett's _China and Socialism_. The Chinese translation of
_China and Socialism_ was published serially in the same
journal (No. 10, 11, 12 and 15).
At the end of this message I provide the reference info. for
these essays, my rough translation of their titles, and
specific webpages I found for them. The webpage for the
journal Pipan yu zaizao is
I have learned a great deal from these productive and rich
discussions and hope there will soon be English translations
of these Chinese essays. Maybe this is something that Monthly
Review can organize. It'd be wonderful to see these
discussions collected.
All of these essays can be accessed through the jiantizi
(simplified characters) version of the journal page, but the
fantizi (classical characters) page doesn't seem to make
everything available. Perhaps it's an affirmative action for
jiantizi readers. In case any of the webpage below doesn't
work, you can search for the articles in the jiantizi page
under the category "socialism."
By the way, this monthly (print) journal has a great number of
interesting articles, including Han Yuhai's "Contemporary
Chinese Socialist Legacy and Related Issues" (serially
published in no. 12-15), and Yuan Yuhua's "Another
Voice--Letters of Political Debate with a Right-Wing Friend"
(in No. 22, 23), as well as an essay on the recent struggles
of Thai migrant workers in Taiwan (no. 23), etc. etc. The
annual subscription fee is US$50. I suppose the subscription
info can be found on the journal's home page. In case it's not
there, here is the address of the press (she zhi): 台北市羅斯
福路三段284巷12號, Pay to Wei Yi-Min. If you have any
questions, here is the journal's e-mail address:
I have just recently subscribed to the journal and think it's
really worth supporting.
Yan Hairong
"We should Correctly Evaluate China's Cultural Revolution and
its Capitalist Reform--A Commentary on _China and Socialism_
and Responses."
Ching Pao-yu (Jin Baoyu) (No. 23)
"A Reflection from the Perspective of Class Relations on
China's 'Capitalist Restoration.'"
Wu Yiching (No. 21)
"Chinese People Should Not Hesitate to Move Forward for Fear
of Making Mistakes."
Chen Yinzhen (No. 20)
"Socialism Died in China, Long Live Chinese Socialism!"
Li Minqi (No. 17)
"Why was 'Deng Xiaoping' Process possible."
Lao Tian (no. 15)