India China Institute Fellows Program
YAN Hairong <>
Fri, 30 Sep 2005 12:34:03 -0500
> From: "PUKAR" <>
> Date: 30 September 2005 3:09:14 AM GMT-04:00
> To: <>
> Subject: [announcements] India China Institute Fellows
Program Invite
> Kindly forward the following invitation to your friends and
colleagues everywhere. We would deeply appreciate your help in
relaying this invitation to as many people as possible
throughout the country.
> Thank You!
> Anita Patil-Deshmukh
> Senior Advisor, India China Institute
> Director, PUKAR
> Invitation to be forwarded:
> Dear Madam / Sir:
> I write on behalf of The India China Institute (ICI), based
at The New School, a university located in New York City and
at PUKAR, Mumbai. ICI announces its inaugural India China
Fellows Program (ICFP) for which we seek applicants who are
highly accomplished, innovative and emerging Indian leaders
with a minimum of five to fifteen years of established
experience in urbanization and globalization.
> We are looking for applicants from a wide range of
backgrounds such as government officials, academics,
researchers, media, artists, private entrepreneurs,
non-government organization and civil society professionals,
urban planners and architects are encouraged to apply. In
early 2006, the India China Institute will select five Fellows
each from India and China for a two-year fellowship award. The
fellow-select could continue her or his current profession
during the period of fellowship.
> We would be grateful if you could direct candidates from
your own sphere of influence who, you feel, would qualify for
this program, to apply for this fellowship.
> Applicant must demonstrate that he/she has:
> · A significant and established record of
achievement, accomplishment and leadership in urbanization and
globalization. The applicant must be able to describe an
initiative that he or she has implemented within challenging
institutional, organizational or social contexts different
from his or her field and its impact on other people such as
co-workers and team members.
> · A strong interest and plan to enhance his/her
professional work by engaging with the India China Fellows,
scholars, and experts from India, China and the United States.
> · A strong interest in participating in
collaborative projects focused on India, China and the United
States. Each Fellow will be an active and essential
participant in an interactive, intellectual, collaborative
project that will be innovative and influential. This project
may yield, for example, a jointly authored paper, exhibition
or creative project.
> In addition, applicants must:
> · Be a Chinese or Indian citizen living in India
and/or China for the previous five years at the time of
> · Have a minimum of a Masters Degree from an
accredited university or professional school. In India,
applicants with “equivalent experience” to Masters Degree may
> · Commit to participating in each of three India
China Fellows workshops, which will be held approximately at
six month intervals. The workshops will take place in India,
China and the United States.
> · Have the ability to travel to India, China and the
United States.
> · Have a working knowledge of computers and access
to the Internet for communication and research purposes on a
regular basis
> · Be an emerging professional with five to fifteen
years of professional experience in urbanization and
> Funding and Support:
> * Fellows will be provided with transportation, housing
and living expenses for the three meetings in the United
States, India and China
> * Fellows will have access to the New School’s faculty,
digital library, and research facilities
> * Each Fellow will be provided an e-mail address and
access to password protected ICI account (email)
> * Travel insurance will be provided for attending ICI
organized activities.
> Award:
> Each India China Fellows will receive a $10,000 Award for
the duration of the twenty-four month fellowship. In order to
achieve the goals of the ICI Fellows Program, this award will
consist of the Enabling Award of $5000 and the Recognition
Award of $5000.
> * The Enabling Award: This award is provided to each
Fellow during the first meeting in New York. It should be
applied toward advancing a Fellow’s research, the
collaborative efforts for the project or work during the
Fellows Program. Suggestions for the use of the award money
may be for the cost of part-time research assistant, to buy a
computer or to subscribe journals. Fellows may also choose to
apply this Enabling Award to provide for extra time or
activities while visiting India, China or the United States.
> * The Recognition Award: Fellows receive the Recognition
Award of $5000 after successfully completing the Fellows
Program and the collaborative Fellows project.
> I would be deeply grateful if you could guide and direct
qualifying candidates towards this fellowship. The fellowship
applications could be downloaded from the website given bellow.
> Please feel free to contact me for any further information at:
> India China fellowship Program
> c/o PUKAR
> 1-4 Kamanwala Chambers,
> Sir P.M. Road, Fort,
> Mumbai 400 001
> Tel: 91-22- 5605-3302
> E:
> I look forward to your critical input in this process.
> Best:
> Anita Patil-Deshmukh.
> Senior Advisor, ICI
> Director, PUKAR