Re: CFP: "Is a History of the Cultural Revolution Possible?"

From "Yiching Wu" <>
Date Tue, 20 Sep 2005 16:29:32 -0500
Organization U of C
References <> <>

Hi Marty,

Alain Badiou is a French philosopher. There's some information on him on the 
website of European Graduate School, where he teaches cources:

He was apparently quite active during the late 1960s and was the founder of 
France's third largest Maoist group UCFML (Marxist-Leninist Communist Union 
of France), finally disbanded in 1984.

There seems to be a Yahoo group devoted to him:

There're bits of info on Badiou in A. Belden Fields' book Trotskyism and 
Maoism in France and US. I remember there may also be something on him in 
Michael Christofferson's new book French Intellectuals against the Left. But 
I am not so sure.

I confess I have not read any books by Badiou. Matt Hale and Alex Day on 
this list know a lot more about him.
