Re: Australia Admits to Echelon

From sam de silva <>
Date Wed, 10 Nov 1999 08:50:26 +0000
In-reply-to <>
References <>

[: hacktivism :]

This is true - there was no admission of a systematic global surveillance
strategy which is what Echelon is meant to be - however - i think it is
worthwhile connecting the DSDs acknowledgement of the UKUSA alliance as an
admission of the existence of Echelon ... Echelon is in a strange way this
alliance, this agreement, this club, this network ...

Also, it helps stir the whole issue - claiming that the oz have admitted to
Echelon - because then they have to deny it and all - and it can be
interesting to see what happens. The idea that when everyone thinks you've
done something - you've actually done something.

I'll post an article to the net soon about this...

- Sam.

At 09:18 PM 11/9/99 +1100, you wrote:
>[: hacktivism :]
>Actually the Australian government DOES NOT admit that Echelon exists at
>all; they admit that the DSD shares intelligence information with the US
>and UK under the aegis of the UKUSA arrangement -- which IS the first
>official admission of this anglo-saxon intelligence 'club', but slightly
>different from admitting they tap everyone's phone. None of the official
>communications on the matter mention Echelon or any other method of HOW
>this SIGINT is gathered (probably half of it by covert penetration of
>foreign countries by submarines, SAS and other related units anyway).
>Search for the word 'Echelon' at You will get
>the details of a 6 month old story I posted the URL to last week when
>someone last mentioned this BBC "scoop".
>----- Original Message -----
>From: BuzzBud <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 4:53 AM
>Subject: Australia Admits to Echelon
>check out
>Now we know Echelon realy exists.
>[: hacktivism :]
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