Re: Let's get to work

From Grugnog <>
Date Sun, 10 Oct 1999 11:56:54 +0100

[: hacktivism :]

> as previously mentioned on this list, we already run 
> which is an appropriate forum for 'hacktivism news' 

Hacktivism news was iirc one of the main uses of the list I suggested
I proposed the list and wrote the intro message and FAQ. I think it is 
vital we have a forum where people can be kept up to date with how 
hacktivism is being represented in both capitalist and alternative
As I see it, without people finding, filtering and posting up to date
topical news items we wouldn't really have much to spark discussions, 
which would mean the other main tenet of the list (discussion) would
also. is for "for world events and analysis, resistance and 
revolution, news from around the world providing intelligence and 
context, with no guarantees". Many people may not want the 99% of other 
news included in this hugely wide scope feed merely to get the 1% which
hacktivism related. 

If people want a separation of news, discussion (and perhaps
and decision making) then perhaps we should consider creating other 
moderated lists for this purpose. 
- Grug

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