r3: lights, camera, hacktion
"stu" <lsi@space.net.au>
Tue, 7 Sep 1999 00:38:20 +0800
[: hacktivism :]
> I totally agree with this way of thinking and acting, and this is what i
> would have liked to find and discuss on a list like this one.
> Pan jaimelm@umich.edu
me too <g> - so we need to find constructive, rather than
destructive, ways of getting our business done. This list is a step
in the constructive direction. There is wealth of repressed creativity
right here on the list that is just yearning for an outlet. The energy
we share just needs to be channeled......
if more people would search on ARARAT ANOMALY, for example,
things might get done. MOD -
http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/special/www_senate_gov.html - reckon
they own NPIC, so find some more photos, purlease!
wot? well, the CIA said
"...we located records which appeared to be responsive to
that request, but
determined that they had to be denied in their entirety..." as
they are
"...classified pursuant to an Executive order in the interest of
national defense or
foreign policy..." (ref: CIA F97-0933)
so perhaps our Masters of Downloading can get the gear anyway??
are you hardcore???
speaking of searching, does anyone actually use Alta Vista, Lycos
etc anymore? They seem kinda redundant when we have
metasearch engines. I'm including the list below in case 1) people
don't have them and 2) there are some more I don't have.
We're talking FOIA, DIA, spy satellite imagery, sodium morphate,
and control number NWDNC-263-COR3. Soviet servers like
www.spin-2.com may have better pictures... and be more co-
operative... if you ask with your nice hacktivist hat on.
There's a cause. Go get 'em.
powered by Kundalini
. ^ Stuart Udall
.~X\ s_udall@yahoo.com
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Merry Krishnas! .. are quite raucous
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