A mild surprise

From Hal <pearrow@nvbell.net>
Date Mon, 04 Sep 2000 23:36:57 -0700

[: hacktivism :]

Some here know that I go by my real name here, combining my tag (Hal)
and my e-mail address, although I am on a proxy now.

Once I used my name in the text for some reason or the other.

Today I was looking for a site where I was mentioned and the easiest way
was to run a search.  The engine on iWon.com is the most extensive one
that I've found so I snapped my name into it.

Came as a mild surprise that something had been added to my list.  Yep,
it nailed the NG(!) posting that I had made right here on good ol'
hacktivism, probably spouting some subversive ideas or another.  I
didn't bother pulling it up because I'm protected professionally and
socially (and already known to them as %!/#@').

Does raise some interesting problems, however.  Most here use a tag and
non-revealing (at least without running a WHOIS) address.  Anyone here
in a vulnerable position should not pass their name along, such as in a
mail address, in text since these super-search engines are likely to
pick up the entire message.

The other problem(?) is that if your (or someone else's) name is used in
any text, these engines are going to lift the entire message for all
your (their) friends to see.  

Please refrain from setting your evil minds to work.


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