East and Inner Asia seminar at the LSE

From "Hans Steinmuller" <hans.steinmuller@gmail.com>
Date Fri, 3 Aug 2007 14:27:22 +0800
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Dear all,

Together with two other PhD students we are organizing a fortnighly
seminar on China and Inner Asia at the department of social
anthropology at the London School of Economics. We are inviting people
who are doing research in and on China, with an ethnographic approach,
to present papers. The format would be normally a presentation of one
hour and then a discussion of another hour. I assume that we will not
be able to reimburse the costs of travelling to London. The dates for
the seminar in the next term are the following Thursdays: October 18,
November 15, 29 and Dec 13,  from 4-6pm. Anyone interested in
presenting there, please don't hesitate to contact me.

all the best,


ps Here is a little piece that I wrote last month on my fieldwork,
translated into Chinese by Xu Chenpu and Chen Chen, fyi