Re: Utsa Patnaik / GLF famine

From Satya Gabriel <>
Date Fri, 2 Mar 2007 10:40:34 -0500 (EST)
In-reply-to <>
References <>

I've had a great deal of admiration for Bramall's scholarship, 
recommending him to several students working on related theses and/or 
independent studies. Thus, I'm happy to see his work being 
engaged here and will work my way back through the entirety 
of this thread (despite being somewhat frantically engaged in 
making progress on a manuscript).  Nevertheless, I've been disappointed to 
find in the many books I've reviewed, as well as papers refereed, an 
absence of references to Bramall. Most social scientists (and virtually 
all economists) simply refuse to engage his arguments. It is sad testimony 
to the 'science' in social science.

Satya J. Gabriel
Dept. of Economics       \|/		   "Pay no attention to that man
Mount Holyoke College  ---0---		 	       behind the screen."
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