Revised Critique of Chang and Halliday

Date Thu, 27 Jul 2006 21:00:00 EDT

Hi all,

A revised version of my critique of the Chang and Halliday book, Mao: The Unknown Story, titled "'To Be Attacked by the Enemy is a Good Thing: The Struggle Over the Legacy of Mao Zedong and the Chinese Socialist Revolution" has been published as an article in the journal Socialism and Democracy.  For this revision, I added more on  the content of the book itself, as well as some other more recent supporting material.

Under the terms of publication, I am allowed to send out a limited number of copies of the PDF file of the article, which are not supposed to be distributed more widely.  Please let me know if you would like me to send you the file.

However, I would urge you to become more generally acquainted with Socialism and Democracy, with which I have a long association, if you are not already familiar with it. Web posting for the journal is at

Individual subscriptions per calendar year (3 issues) are $30 provided that you request the "member rate."  Subcription orders should be sent to:

Routledge, Taylor & Francis Inc. (att.: customer services)
325 Chestnut St., 8th floor
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Single copies can be ordered from Victor Wallis at the editorial address:

Socialism and Democracy
411A Highland Ave. (# 321)
Somerville, MA 02144

The price per copy, postpaid, is $15 (USA) or $20 (elsewhere).

Please forgive any multiple copies of this message, as I am sending it to overlapping lists as well as some additional individuals.

Robert Weil