Re: news update from

From webmaster <>
Date Tue, 08 Feb 2005 12:13:46 -0500
In-reply-to <>
References <>
User-agent Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)

Apologies for the downtime at CSG and the bad links. Murphy's law is 
alive and well among servers. The bad links at the site should be 
cleaned up by tonight.

Thanks for the spontaneous offers of support! Our costs have indeed gone 
up dramatically, so it's possible that you will see an appeal for some 
small tokens of financial support in the near future. But we now have a 
lot more space at the server, which means we can accept even more of the 
donations that we prefer: your time! If people are interested in 
blogging at the site, please contact at us. Also, we plan to launch 
CSG's wiki in the next couple of months, and we need your participation 
to make that work. You can see a preview at: