CFP: The State of Rural China

From Saul Thomas <>
Date Mon, 17 Jan 2005 20:59:32 -0600

Overseas Young Chinese Forum 7th Annual Meeting
The State of Rural China:
Chinese peasants, agriculture and rural society in the reform era
May 28-30, 2005
Call for Papers
The OYCF invites general-interest or research papers on the theme “The State of Rural China: Chinese peasants, agriculture and rural society in the reform era” for its 7th annual meeting to be held on May 28-30, 2005 in the northeast United States, location to be determined.  The deadline for submission of a paper or abstract is February 15, 2005. 
The Overseas Young Chinese Forum (OYCF) is a self-governing non-profit organization established in 1999 to provide a forum for interested overseas young Chinese to discuss social, economic, political and cultural issues related to China’s development and explore solutions.  Now our members and activities reach North America, Europe and Asia, including China/Hong Kong. OYCF organizes an annual meeting where interested young Chinese intellectuals from academia, business, community and government gather to discuss pressing issues about China and to engage in cross-disciplinary dialogues. Since its inaugural meeting in 1999, OYCF has held six annual meetings around such themes as the theory and practice of liberalism, the WTO and China, the civil society, and women’s issues in China. Attendants to the meetings in the past included Chinese- and English-speaking scholars, policy experts, professionals and graduate students from various disciplines. All presentations at the previous meetings have been published in our online journal Perspectives in the form of articles or summaries.
The conference theme is constructed around the so-called “san nong” or “three rural issues” of peasants, agriculture and rural society in the contemporary period. We welcome papers on this general topic (in English or Chinese) from academic scholars, advanced graduate students, policy experts, and others informed in rural or agrarian issues in China. The paper can be a general survey of one particular rural “issue” or “problem,” or a theoretical formulation aimed at advancing a particular argument. It may or may not involve original empirical research, but each paper should have a clear analytical point to convey to the audience.  We especially encourage policy-relevant studies of the rural issues. The paper should preferably be in the length of a journal article. If selected, authors of the papers will be invited to present their work at the OYCF annual conference, and to contribute to a post-conference volume edited by the conference organizers.  Selected conference papers may also be published in our online journal Perspectives.  Partial travel reimbursement for paper presenters is possible depending on the level of funding. 
Examples of topics:  
Please send the following material via email to before February 15, 2005.
(1)      a brief curriculum vitae with detailed contact information, and
(2)      a written paper or a 2-page abstract.
A notification of acceptance will be sent by April 1, 2005.  Please contact for more questions.
Overseas Young Chinese Forum – – Contact: