-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: Job Opening (fwd) From: "Alvin Y. So" <soalvin@ust.hk> Date: Tue, September 14, 2004 3:58 pm To: sosc-fac-list@ust.hk, sosc-PG-list@ust.hk Cc: Dear Colleagues and PG students: Job opening at HKU: Research Office (Associate Director) of the Hong Kong Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (see attachment). This is a new Institute aimed "to create a scholarly community that transcend disciplinary, institutional, geographical, and generational boundaries." If you know anyone who may be interested in the post, please encourage him/her to apply. Thanks. Alvin ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 18:16:43 +0800 From: SUN Wen-bin <wbsun@hkucc.hku.hk> To: Alvin So <soalvin@ust.hk>, Helen Siu <helen.siu@yale.edu>, Hanlong Lu <luhl@public2.sta.net.cn>, Elizabeth Perry <eperry@latte.harvard.edu>, Robert Tang <rctangsc@netvigator.com>, Jenny F. So <jennyso@cuhk.edu.hk>, James Tang <jthtang@hkucc.hku.hk>, Paul Tam <paultam@hkucc.hku.hk>, Sun Wen-bin <wbsun@hku.hk> Subject: Advertisement Dear All, Attached is our advertisement appeared in South China Morning Post on Sept.11, 2004. The ad. can also been seen on the HKU home page under "job vacancies". I would be most grateful if you could refer this to those people who might be interested in the job. I will inform those with whom we have regular contacts and might be interested in the position. With best regards and many thanks, Wenbin
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