re harry wu

From Stephen E Philion <>
Date Tue, 27 Apr 2004 11:12:45 -0500

I don't think I'll make much headway with a debate on Harry, I would 
say he is very right wing and inclined to make up any story that he 
hopes Americans might believe.  But I certainly accept that some might 
still be inclined to believe a lot of his stories. I'm quite friendly 
with labor activists in China who are quite critical of the CCP's labor 
policies. But they all think Wu is just a right wing opportunist. 

I actually saw him speak at the University of Hawaii in 1998 or 99. It 
was quite a remarkable experience, took place in a small room around a 
round table with about 25 people in attendance (the little colloquium 
room was packed).  When he was challenged, very politely, by a Chinese 
student [who ironically probably had the same ideological beliefs in 
the virtues of free markets], Harry nearly lost it, becoming VERY 
agitated, angry, and calling for the student to be removed from the 
room. It was really wierd, even his host, his ideological confrere Kate 
Zhou, had to try to move the discussion along before the situation 
quickly lost control.  

I can't say as I can have much to say to Harry or to discuss with him, 
people who think Ronald Reagan was a human rights hero really aren't 
people I have much in common with I'm afraid. 
