Zhongguo list returns

From Saul Thomas <stthomas@uchicago.edu>
Date Wed, 28 Jan 2004 07:14:44 -0600

Hi everyone,

The zhongguo list is back up again, thanks to the kind help of our friend 
and list member Jesse at openflows.org.

Things should work exactly as they did before, the only exception being 
that to post a message, you now need to send it to:


We also have a web archive for the new incarnation of the list, which you 
can find here: http://archives.openflows.org/zhongguo/

Let me know if you have any questions, problems, or concerns.



P.S. For those who don't know, openflows is the group that built the web 
page for the radio and television news program Democracy Now, which you can 
listen to every weekday on the web here: http://www.democracynow.org/. I 
highly recommend it.