[no subject]
Tue, 21 Sep 1999 14:15:04 +0200 (MEST)
[: hacktivism :]
I'm picking up a thread that was dropped a little while ago,
concerning the "hungersite" and similar projects. I agree that
the whole idea of clicking away world hunger is a bit perverse,
especially when those paying for the cups of rice are
corporations which as a whole surely play a part in creating
hunger in the first place. But then it is a bit too easy to
dismiss efforts such as those of the hungersite as complicity.
Let me expand:In a democracy what counts most are votes. In a
capitalist democracy what counts most is money. Corporations
want our money and advertising is their way of luring it out
of our pockets. Most advertising is bland, cost huge amounts
of money (which goes into the pockets of corporate
advertisers) and twists our world to conform with corporate
views (e.g. every woman should want to look like claudia
schiffer etc.). We are alway told to use our vote wisely
"because every vote counts". Well what is so bad about using
what REALLY counts in a capitalist democracy, our purchasing
power? People have got to wake up to the fact that they wield
an enormous amount of power and if only they can direct
corporations to do what they want corporations will have to do
it. Just as they try to make us dependent on them, they are
dependent on us. If there is a way to morally force corporations
to put money where hungry mouths are then I say we do it. Of
course there is a lot more we can do - as hacktivists. But the
man in the street isn't up for hacktivist stuff. A little
nudge in the right direction from efforts such as the hungersite
might make him do something useful nevertheless. The
hungersite is therefore a mainstream project (see the
overwhelming coverage it got in the media) that may not be what
we really want, but it is a lot better than nothing.
On a different, more (h)activist note:
The "Economist" magazine is looking to
bring out a "Pocket Internet" guide for all its economically
minded readers this coming January. They are asking for readers
to submit sites they believe are of interest.
Having read the economist a few times I felt qualified to do
so ;-) Wouldn't it be nice if our "econimist-reading" friends
found some quality sites. I'm sure you have a few in mind.
Visit the site (http://www.economist.com/links) and spread
the word.
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