1-What is the interest of hacktivism? Is there a realy political or
social purpose or is it just a pretext? What is the main fight: the civil
2-Do an hacktivist's way of life exist? What are the differencies beetwen
hackers and hactivists? And with activists?
3-Have you got a bill of ethic, rules, taboos...?
4-Is there a solidarity beetwen hacktivists...? An organisation, a
rendez-vous like H2K or Defcon?
5-In your opinion, what is the best way to fight? To cause beyond repair
damages, to mailbomb, to deface a site, to stop it teemporary...?
6-For hacktivists, what are advantages, interests of Internet in their
I hope you agree to hell me because I want to understand and respect
the best I can your fight. Best regards, benoit Merlin.
My address: bmerlin@hfp.fr