~e; seductive code

From "H S" <persgal@wanadoo.nl>
Date Sun, 20 Feb 2005 16:26:56 +0100

Hi Brian,
Very though analysing!
and indeed you are right, also about massivechange, but in there it works in another way as well: although the idea/concept is presented in different ways and is easy to replace by many other images and ideas, it sets a stage for change, changes itself through staging better examples of change, right on to the ultimate show!
and sometimes it
is not equivalent to consider it just
another view when it may be the most
important yet undiscussed view, which
without it makes it impossible to write,
talk, speak, think, see, sense the real
event and relegates the mind to fictions
based on book-knowledge and consensual
perceptions of what is allowed to be true,
real, authentic, and allowed to exist in
its own right. both scientists and artists
equally ignore electromagnetism in itself.
it simply does not exist as a point of view.
but it actually does, it actually is its own
point of view, and not an insignificant one
at that- it makes a lot of sense out of the
chaos of the daily grind and offers options,
futures, dreams, skills, culture, aesthetics,
work, precedent, knowledge, with just a shift.
Found a nice example of this, a view from within EM>
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February 18, 2005
Seductive Codes

Can code be sexy? Can the deep intimacies of code lead to personal trauma of the most exhilarating kind? Igor Stromajer (Slovenia), creator of the Intima Virtual Base, is convinced that code is the very manifestation of what our human imagination pursues in the state of desire, and has developed an extensive body of work based on his research into 'tactical emotional states' and 'traumatic low-tech strategies.' Military tactics are in fact a common theme throughout many of the works on the site, and the careful maneuvering of the code in a project such as Ballettikka Internettikka Part Two is likely to induce a traumatic state, if not in the human experiencing it then at least in the computer processing it. Stomajer's intoxication with code is not purely Dionysian, but the asceticism he claims for his own is only relative to the high technological complexities populating the rest of the net art world. Visit www.intima.org to experience his particular brand of low-tech ! solutions for inducing radical emotions. - Ophra Wolf


Looking forward to the international EM culture show!

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