~e; the yin-yang of the electron
bc <human@electronetwork.org>
Sat, 24 Aug 2002 11:02:57 -0500
// NewsScan's 'Worth Thinking About' is one Feature of their
// daily news clipping service. in this recent issue a book
// review has a unique perspective on the role of electrons,
// the giving and receiving of these by in opposite realms...
>NewsScan Daily, 22 August 2002 ("Above The Fold")
>NewsScan Daily is underwritten by RLG, a world-class organization
>making significant and sustained contributions to the effective
>management and appropriate use of information technology. NSD is
>written by John Gehl and Suzanne Douglas, editors@NewsScan.com.
> In his book "Salt: A World History," Mark Kurlansky writes:
> "Chemists and entrepreneurs were beginning to understand that 'salt'
>was one of a very specific group of substances that were often found
>together and that what we now call 'common salt' was in many ways the least
>valuable of the group. In 1744, Guillaume Francois Rouelle, a member of the
>French Royal Academy of Sciences, wrote a definition of a salt that has
>endured. He said that a salt was any substance caused by the reaction of an
>acid and a base. For a long time, the existence of acids and bases had been
>known but little understood. Acids were sour tasting and had the ability to
>dissolve metal. Bases felt soapy. But Rouelle understood that an acid and a
>base have a natural affinity for each other because nature seeks completion
>and, as will all good couples, acids and bases make each other more
>complete. Acids search for an electron that they lack, and bases try to
>shed an extra one. Together they make a well-balanced compound, a salt. In
>common salt the base, or electron recipient, is chloride.
> "It turns out that salt was a microcosm for one of the oldest
>concepts of nature and the order of the universe. From the
>fourth-century-B.C. Chinese belief in the forces of yin and yang, to most
>of the world's religions, to modern science, to the basic principles of
>cooking, there has always been a belief that two opposing forces find
>completion -- one receiving a missing part and the other shedding an extra
>one. A salt is a small but perfect thing."
>See http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0802713734/newsscancom/ref=nosim
>for "Salt: A World History" by Mark Kurlansky -- or look for it in your
>favorite library. (We donate all revenue from our book recommendations to
>adult literacy action programs.)
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>Copyright 2002. NewsScan Daily (R) is a publication of NewsScan.com Inc.
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