~e; EM newstorm (dust everywhere)
human being <human@electronetwork.org>
Fri, 24 May 2002 22:23:49 -0500
[news that was too fast this week (or last, already) that is
not mentioned below is the 65x (or so) increase in the super-
computing record, now awarded to Japan, if anyone sees/knows
of articles, please forward. also, nuclear weapons are on the
move, which is relevant. need to mention that 'civilization',
as applied in this work, is in regard to the social aspects of
the social question of relating human beings and technology.]
mysterious low-frequency sound 'humming' in Indiana, USA
[quote] Kathie Sickles, who lives near Kokomo, spends most of her
free time trying to educate people about the hum. She packages
research papers and other sound studies in bright-colored plastic
folders and hands them out to City Council members. She makes flyers
for the public, "SOUND POLLUTION CAN HURT YOU!," filled with Internet
addresses and lists of symptoms associated with exposure to
low-frequency sound.
"People need to know this is going on," said Sickles, who formed a
group called Our Environment. "People are getting sick and nothing's
being done." [endquote]
EM tech more toxic than told, fix needed
[quote] The authors say the intent of their report is to reduce the
levels of toxics and waste by building "capacity and momentum" for
"voluntary corporate initiatives and supportive public policies" that
will improve "global sustainability outcomes in the high tech
industry." [endquote]
quantum computing, less sand needed in clocking paradoxical speed
[quote] Factoring 15 is a problem fit for grade school students and
cheap calculators, but it's not the size or speed of the calculation,
merely the fact of it that matters in this case. Chuang's
seven-"qubit" quantum computer, at the moment the most powerful one
ever built, provides concrete evidence of a proposition that
scientists just a few years ago thought unworkable: that the
properties of atoms at the quantum level can reliably be exploited
for the brains of a working computer. Indeed, the work of Chuang and
others suggests that quantum machines may one day be capable of
massively parallel computing, in which billions of calculations
happen at once-a feat that will never be possible with silicon chips.
" [endquote]
Quantum wormholes as universal transport infrastructures
seeing without eyes (see url for .pdf on radio tagging)
magnetic knowledge and planning for cell phones in China
[quote] "China's committee, with representatives from six government
agencies, has declined to make public the research it says points to
the need for the higher safety standards - a detail that has
flustered Hartley and other groups involved." [end]
neural networking and the cryptogrammatical mindgame
[comment] 50:50 odds if simulated symmetrically. yet, paradoxes.
more: mental software programs (and bioethical peatbog dilemma)
[quote] A person's genetic make-up certainly has something important
to do with his subsequent behaviour. But genes exert their effects
through the brain. If you want to predict and control a person's
behaviour, the brain is the place to start. [endquote]
wireless mind design (conscious plug for the sparkling-gap) [thanks ~]
two time modeling and fault-tolerances (inverted funnels)
11) the brain's electromagnetic field is consciousness [thanks ~]
One of the fundamental questions of consciousness, known as the
binding problem, can be explained by looking at a tree. Most people
when asked how many leaves they see will answer 'thousands'. But
neurobiology tells us that the information (all the leaves) is
dissected and scattered amongst millions of widely separated
neurones. Scientists are trying to explain where in the brain all
those leaves are stuck together to form the conscious impression of a
whole tree. How does our brain bind information to generate
What Professor McFadden realised was that every time a nerve fires,
the electrical activity sends a signal to the brain's electromagnetic
(em) field. But unlike solitary nerve signals, information that
reaches the brain's em field is automatically bound together with all
the other signals in the brain. The brain's em field does the binding
that is characteristic of consciousness. What Professor McFadden and,
independently, the New Zealand-based neurobiologist Sue Pockett, have
proposed, is that the brain's em field IS consciousness.
mental materialism [from consciousness studies journal] (thanks ~)
From Matter To Mind
Abstract: The relation between mind and matter is considered in terms
of recent ideas from both phenomenology and brain science.
Phenomenology is used to give clues to help bridge the brain-mind gap
by providing constraints on any underlying neural architecture
suggested from brain science. A tentative reduction of mind to matter
is suggested and used to explain various features of phenomenological
experience and of ownership of conscious experience. The crucial
mechanism is the extended duration of the corollary discharge of
attention movement, with its gating of activity for related content.
Aspects of experience considered in terms of the model are the
discontinuous nature of consciousness, immunity to error through
misidentification, and the state of 'pure' consciousness as
experienced through meditation. Corollary discharge of attention
movement is proposed as the key idea bringing together basic features
of meditation, consciousness and neuroscience, and helping to bridge
the gap between mind and matter.
more mind design materials [.pdfs's for looksee & downloading] (thanks ~)
http://www.imprint.co.uk/jcs.html (some samples include...
* Evan Thompson, Empathy and Consciousness
* Bernard J. Baars, In the theatre of consciousness
* Jaron Lanier, You can't argue with a zombie
* Robert Forman, What does mysticism have to teach us about consciousness
* Jaron Lanier, Death: the skeleton key to consciousness studies
* Michael Gazzaniga; The Neuronal Platonist
* Alwyn Scott, How Smart Is a Neuron? Review
* William Irwin Thompson, Speculations on the City
and the Evolution of Consciousness
* Erik Myin, Two Sciences of Perception and Visual Art:
* Keith Sutherland, Why Do We Want To Open the Black Box?
* Marc Bekoff, Social Play Behaviour: Cooperation, Fairness,
Trust and the Evolution of Morality
* Tim Bayne, Co-consciousness
* Jack Petranker, Who Will Be the Scientists?
the electromagnetic internetwork-list
electromagnetism / infrastructure / civilization