~e; EM photographic research
bc <human@electronetwork.org>
Sun, 3 Mar 2002 22:06:23 -0600
hello ~e-listers.
i would like to send an update about a certain realm
of research i have never known of, prior to a few
weeks ago, for the purposes of understanding the
electromagnetic spectrum of light, energy, & info.
some basic research gear that is now in the toolkit
includes a quality digital camera. i have amateur skill
in photography, mostly with my first generation digital
camera (a olympus dl-300, i think). it was pre-1 mega-
pixel tech, no external memory, a point and shoot, and
no settings except red-eye and flash, for the most part.
in any case, it was a great tool for showing things and
putting them online, and i thought that was the extent
of what digital photography could become.
earlier in life i was able to participate in night photo-
graphy, learning about long-exposures and streetlights.
so that was the aim in the camera upgrade, the ability
to manually, not automatically, take night photos at
long exposures. so here is what i have learned since,
beyond experimenting with the camera settings them-
selves to achieve depth of field and other techniques...
IR filters: i saw a book in a photo store about infrared
photography for film cameras. the picture was unlike
the black and white photos i was used to seeing in night
photos and day landscapes. there was some spectral
quality 'seeable' in the shift in spectrum, towards the
sub-red region of the rainbow of visible electromagnetic
light. IR is the type of lightsource that remote controls
use, and the military uses for communications. and the
whole night-vision technology must be bases on it too.
in any case, digital cameras, with a special IR filter,
can take photos of this end of the EM spectrum. and,
beyond that, i thought of how interesting it would be
to see if 'heat soures' like lightbulbs, e-power outlets
that let off a spark with a looose plug, and even the
e-power lines might emit some heat in the imagery.
so this has become a goal, to investigate this, for
no other reason than to find out what others call
'the invisible light', and if there is a way to learn
about electromagnetism through this type of imagery
in a way that would otherwise be more difficult. and
to do this digitally, ultimately, putting it online as
research, in both IR and EM, through aesthetic analysis.
what is great about digital, besides that film is not a
factor, is that there can be a lot of trial and error to
experiment with getting settnigs, and that with regular
IR film photography, a special infrared film is needed.
but now it is more mainstream. the camera in the tool-
kit is not ideal for IR, the previous model though is one
of the best, but it is still worth a shot or a few thousand.
UV filters: like IR, but at the other end of the infrared
side of the EM spectrum is the ultraviolet, more with
the radiowave side of things. there is also a UV-pass-
through filter that allows a camera to 'see' this range
beyond the visible in the spectrum of light, which can
be captured by digital camera. this is something that
will take longer to explore, but is similar to IR in many
ways, except the effect. with IR, it is most usually a
black and white image that is the result (unless one is
to do a false-color IR photo, which has a strange cast
of magenta or some other hue in the imagery). with
UV, it is like day-glo photography. and it is what the
bugs see, the birds, all those patterns on flowers and
on rocks that are not seen in normal human life. i know
i have written about this before, but UV is about phosphers
and fluorescence, or so i hope is correct in memory, and
once being in a geologists store and seeing their special
UV rock exhbit in the backroom, where a series of plain
and very uninspiring rocks where setup, lights were then
turned off, and blacklight turned on, and they all glowed
in pink, light green, and yellow, like day-glo rocks, all
specked and chunks of color only seen in the UV spectrum.
well, the camera can do this, with a filter, and i am not
sure what might be learned in terms of energy, information,
or electromagnetism, in this regard, but it is fascinating
nonetheless, and ripe for experimentation to find out...
Special Effects filters: then, there are what might be called
'cheesy' special filters which screw onto the threads on the
front of a camera's lens. some have star patterns, some have
rainbow patterns, not like a literal rainbow, but a slash of the
rainbow spectrum, i forget the order of colors. but with such
a filter, all light sources, whether a candle flame, electric
incandescent light, or the sun, would all demonstrate their
spectral qualities, their simaliries, as would a computer
screen, a tv, anything with visible light. which could show
how these things are interrelated. so too, with night photos
of streetlights, there are 'star-filters' which are quite cliche,
with names like 'hollywood', used for photographing chrome
on cars where it twinkles in an 8-point burst of light. well,
with such an 'ugly and ordinary' photo filter (from architect
Rober Venturi's thesis on aesthetic value), the value of the
lights at night, and their commonlity might be exposed in a
way otherwise difficult. so these are a few, well, most of
the research possibilities under consideration, and bit by
bit, hopefully some of them will be explored. it seems a
very intriguing approach, and it would be appreciated if
anyone has experience or interest in this, to please let
me know, as this work is quite unique in what it can show.
yet it is still experimental in the digital work that is online.
here are a few links in case anyone is interested:::::::::
Infrared Photography FAQ - New Edition (V2.4.5)
by Clive Warren - Wednesday, January 9, 2002
Andrew Davidhazy
Imaging and Photographic Technology Department
School of Photographic Arts and Sciences
Rochester Institute of Technology
(this material was prepared for Focal Encyclopedia of Photography)
to see infrared photos, probably best to do a search
on google, or try looking at a photographic gallery, such as:
the electronetwork-list
electromagnetism / infrastructure / civilization