Re: ~e; computer routers in DDoS attacks

From brian carroll <>
Date Fri, 26 Oct 2001 15:46:35 -0600

    hi ~e-list, unfortunately i cannot understand what Laiza wrote, so i
    went to and tried to translate, as it seems
    it may be an un.sub.scribe request, and this is what it translated the
    message as, assuming it is Portuguese...

please, they leave me in peace... I do not support more to receive
200 messages from vocs. are emails per day...

>por favor, me deixem em paz... no suporto mais receber mensagens de vocs.
>so 200 emails por dia...

    if anyone can help me understand this request, if it is for unsubbing,
    then i could do what is being asked. please ask Laiza for further info
    if needed, whose e-mail is:

    thanks everyone/anyone. brian

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  electromagnetism / infrastructure / civilization