Fwd: roll your own blackout!
brian carroll <human@electronetwork.org>
Thu, 7 Jun 2001 09:41:48 -0800
(list bounces seem to happen if sending e-mail from an
account not subscribed from. such that, if subbed as
me@me.net and send to the list from me@me.com, it will
likely bounce. makes sense, but i'm still figuring it
out. the flow program works well though, and catches
these posts for authorization. i just haven't had a
chance to respond to posts yet. thanks for sending. bc
>> from Sj and others:
>>>JUNE 21, 2001 THURS EVE, 7-10 pm worldwide, all time
>>>George W. Bush's proposed budget cuts 50% from the
>>>already meager
>>>renewable fuels research programs, and adds a big
>>>line item for "clean" coal research grants. Turns out
>>>that the coal
>>>industry bosses included some "pioneers" for George W.
>>>who gave up to $200,000 each in early money to the
>>>The "Roll Your Own Blackout" should be a pleasant way
>>>to spend a summer
>>>evening. What a gentle way to protest!
>>>In protest of George W. Bush's energy policies and
>>>lack of emphasis on
>>>efficiency, conservation and alternative fuels, there
>>>will be a voluntary rolling blackout on the first day
>>>of summer, June
>>>from 7pm
>>>- 10pm in any time zone (thus it will roll across the
>>>Its a simple protest and a symbolic act. Turn out
>>>your lights from
>>>7pm-10pm on June 21. Unplug whatever you can unplug
>>>in your house. Light a candle, kiss and tell, tell
>>>ghost stories, do
>>>something instead of watching television, have fun in
>>>Forward this email as widely as possible. Let them
>>>know we want global
>>>education, participation and funding in
>>>conservation, efficiency and alternative fuel efforts
>>>-- and an end to
>>>over exploitation and misuse of the earth's resources.
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electromagnetism / infrastructure / civilization