FW: revisionist/Right wing accounts of revo era.. query

From "Daniel F. Vukovich" <vukovich@hkucc.hku.hk>
Date Wed, 12 Dec 2007 22:18:22 +0800
Cc <Bfoley29@aol.com>
Thread-index Acg6f6fEAAbTwqUeQkuEz8ItWNzMgQCSOGeA

Dear all,


Can anyone help out Barbara Foley on this query for sources and brief specifics? (I know several of you on the list know Barbara and her terrific work.)   She is looking for cites on “revisionist” sources that “debunk” the left wing and received accounts of the War of Resistance and revo era.  The Jung Chang type of rubbish, basically.   Gao laoshi are you out there?


Best wishes, Dan    


From: Bfoley29@aol.com [mailto:]
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2007 12:22 AM
To: vukovich@hkucc.hku.hk
Subject: hello and query


hi dan--





the reason i write, other than just to say hi and ask whether you'll be at MLA this year, is to ask you a question.  i am doing a review--for S&S in fact--of hsaio-li lindsey's recent autobiography *bold plum*, which documents her years with the guerrillas in WW2 china.  fascinating.  anyway, among the book's many virtues is its clear documentation of the long and hard struggle of the communist forces against the japanese--a history that is, i gather, being called into question in various recent revisionary accounts of the era.


my query: do you know of this revisionary work?  if so, what are some key authors/titles? when i was at a book party for BP in beijing this past summer, mention was made of this trend, but i did not get a clear idea of specifics.  is this point made for example in the chang and halliday (sp?) book? 


hoping all is well w you.  i see advertisements for the graduate programs at your U with increasing frequency.  the world is indeed getting smaller, at least in some ways--




barbara foley

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