CSG news update -- 2007-06-16

From China Study Group <chinastudygroup@gmail.com>
Date Sat, 16 Jun 2007 02:00:25 -0700

China Study Group news update

Horrors of Hongwei
The Standard | 2007-06-16
The lives of residents in a village in northern China are being destroyed by high rates of cancer and what is claimed to be cerebral palsy among their children yet no one has come up with an answer. Steven Ribet reports  W ith one of his meaty hands, Xing Fengshan pushes a red and gold box of Hong...

China bulldozes its urban heritage
Financial Times | 2007-06-15
Geoff Dyer
If China were to choose a new symbol for its national flag, an architect joked recently, the competition would be between a crane and a bulldozer.  Cities like Beijing and Shanghai have been growing rapidly for more than a decade but in recent years they have gone into hyper-speed – Beijing to p...

China Provokes Debate in Africa
Foreign Policy In Focus | 2007-03-09
Walden Bello
It was unexpected.  At the Seventh World Social Forum (WSF), held in Nairobi, Kenya, in late January, the most controversial topic was not HIV-AIDS, the U.S. occupation of Iraq, or neoliberalism. The topic that generated the most heat was China's relations with Africa.  At a packed panel dis...