Re: china and east asian growth dynamics

From Martin Hart-Landsberg <>
Date Mon, 07 May 2007 07:57:14 -0700
In-reply-to <>
Organization Lewis and Clark College
References <> <000201c78cb5$7ed3afc0$77160893@humpc034m208> <>
User-agent Thunderbird (Windows/20070221)

Dear All,

I have heard from a few of you that the original link to the paper did not work.  Apparently the spacing of the title created the problem.  The link only captured the first part of the title, when all of it needed to be used.  But here is a new, complete link.  Hopefully this should solve the problem.  Sorry for the complication., capitalist accumulation, and labor.pdf


Martin Hart-Landsberg wrote:
I just wanted to call attention to an article of mine (co-authored with Paul Burkett) that is in the current (May) issue of Monthly Review that may be of interest to some on this list.  It deals with the dynamics and contradictions (especially as they concern labor) of the China-centered East Asian accumulation regime.

It can be accessed at:, capitalist accumulation, and labor.pdf

Marty Hart-Landsberg