China Labor News

Date Thu, 22 Mar 2007 09:27:11 -0700 (PDT)
Importance Normal
User-agent SquirrelMail/1.4.6-1.berkeley


This is an invitation to subscribe to "China Labor News Translations"
- a free, bi-monthly collection of English translations of
Chinese-language reports, commentaries and blogs on labor issues
published in China. These materials will be chosen from amongst the
most informative and significant mainland Chinese media reports,
academic publications, activist writings, internet discussions and so

Currently, most English material on Chinese labor is written by former
Chinese labor activists now residing outside China, the foreign media,
or foreign scholars, NGOs, trade unions and the like, each from their
own specific perspectives. It is our hope that this bi-monthly
mail-out will give English language readers access to some
perspectives from inside  China. We hope these few monthly articles
can help build a more  nuanced understanding of Chinese labor issues
and how they are being conceptualised, understood and discussed in
Chinese public forums. There is a wealth of information, analyses and
research that is not currently available to non-Chinese readers. These
translations can at least make a small portion of that accessible to
the outside world.

Each mail-out will be accompanied by an introduction, explaining the
background and significance of the selected articles.

This project was initiated by Anita Chan, an academic researcher and a
labor rights advocate at the Australian National University (see
Anita's web site at The project
will be run by a small group of volunteer researchers, labor advocates
and translators. It is our aim to better inform English-speaking
readers about the problems and the possibilities facing workers in
China, and to facilitate constructive discussion and co-operation
around these issues.

If you would like to sign-up to receive this bi-monthly email, please
send an email with the word SUBSCRIBE in the title to this address, We will also be creating a D-group: an
online forum where translations will be archived, and through which
subscribers can discuss translations and other related issues. D-group
details will be sent personally to your email address.

Please feel free to distribute this invitation to others who might be

We have attached this month's translations for you to have a look at,
and an introduction which puts them in context.

We hope this new mail-out will be a useful resource for you!


We respect your privacy.

We will not share your email address or personal information with
other organizations, or individuals not directly involved in
co-ordinating this mail-out. Without your permission, we will not send
you any information other than the advertised Chinese-English