Re: Xue Heng School aned classical Chinese.

From Chuck Wooldridge <woldrdge@Princeton.EDU>
Date Sat, 10 Mar 2007 08:47:20 -0500
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I'm perhaps betraying my own conservatism here, but I don't see how the student could get along without some knowledge of classical. If nothing else, the poetic models that Xue Heng and other literary movements draw from/ depart from are going to be classical.

In other words, if the student doesn't know classical, (s)he will be vulnerable to the criticism of simply ignoring the classical influences of the movement.

Also, I haven't worked on literature, but my limited experience with early twentieth century essays, academic articles, etc is that many, although not purely classical, are written in a style that more or less necessitates good knowledge of classical.

I'm a historian rather than a literature guy, and would defer to somebody with more experience in the field. For my part, I read a lot of classical for my dissertation on the 19th century, and I still find some early twentieth century texts rough going.

All that being said, it shouldn't be impossible for the student to find an outside advisor willing to help with such matters.

Daniel Frederick Vukovich wrote:

Dear all,

Have a very specific and important query for any of you who might have an

A prospective PhD student I know of through a colleague is wanting to do a PhD
dissertation on the Xue Heng School (a re-interpretation of them as NOT as
conservative as we have thought, or as much as the May 4th/New Culture people

My query is this: does this student need dept. support (advisors/teachers) who
know classical Chinese. Is that rather crucial for doing such a project? The dept/program in question does not have anyone who knows classical Chinese
and they are all wondering if or how necessary this would be.

Any thoughts?

Do let me know-- even mere opinions would be helpful.

thanks,  Dan