From "Philion, Stephen E. " <sephilion@stcloudstate.edu>
Date Fri, 5 Jan 2007 16:13:51 -0600
References <4F752E686C8E04449DCB9FA7C3BD967407272386@EXCHANGE.campus.stcloudstate.edu> <4F752E686C8E04449DCB9FA7C3BD967407272387@EXCHANGE.campus.stcloudstate.edu>
Thread-index AccxFWgP/3jLWJvZQKihvaD/Y47zLQAADlxaAABJkcI=

In October a Chinese labor activist in Beijing and I wrote up a response  (attached to this email) to CSG contributor Robert Weil's Monthly Review article on the Condition of the Chinese Working Class  [  http://www.monthlyreview.org/0606weil.htm  ]. As you can see from the tone, we thought the essay was highly valuable to leftists in and outside China today.  We also had some criticisms of the article that we thought would add to the discussion on China's working class today and we hoped that the response and Weil's  response to our response would be published in Monthly Review. 
Unfortunately MR was not interested in the idea of publishing the letter and a response to it, so I'm just going to forward on our letter in response to Weil's article to the China Study Group and a number of left discussion lists, including Marxmail, PEN-L, and LBO-Talk, for starters, and will also ask a labor activist in Beijing to find some people in Beiiing to translate the piece into Chinese and distribute to Chinese discussion lists.
I've forwarded the letter to Robert Weil and perhaps at some point he will want to respond our letter. We'd welcome his or others' responses to the letter we wrote.
Stephen Philion
Assistant Professor 
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
St. Cloud State University
St. Cloud, MN

Attachment: Thoughts on Robert Weil Condition of China Working Class.doc
Description: Thoughts on Robert Weil Condition of China Working Class.doc