Fwd: Chinese Division of MLA petition
Daniel Frederick Vukovich <vukovich@hkucc.hku.hk>
Wed, 13 Dec 2006 23:12:12 +0800
Karen Ford <fordk@uoregon.edu>, wkalaid@emory.edu, mbryant <mbryant@english.ufl.edu>, Michael Thurston <mthursto@email.smith.edu>, zsulliva@uiuc.edu, maxwell@uiuc.edu
Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.2
Dear all,
If any of you are *current* members of the MLA please consider signing on to
this petition to have more conference sessions dedicated to Chinese/greater
China work at the MLA convention. The plan is to eventually have a separate
division for Chinese lit/cultural studies (as there is for Spanish, German,
etc). To do so, just send an email to Prof. Chris Lupke at <lupke@wsu.edu> and
confirm that you are a current MLA member. You might also send this to other
MLA members (incl grad students) who you think might be interested. Needless
to say, you don't need to be in the China "field" to support it-- in fact it
might seem all the better to the higher ups. Chris/we do need 100 signatures,
so do give it some thought.
Many thanks, Dan
Daniel F. Vukovich
Assistant Professor
Comparative Literature, School of Humanities
208 Main Bldg.
The University of Hong Kong
(852) 2859 7934
----- Forwarded message from KIRK DENTON <denton.2@osu.edu> -----
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2006 20:18:34 -0500
From: KIRK DENTON <denton.2@osu.edu>
Reply-To: mclc@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Subject: MCLC: Chinese Division of MLA petition
To: mclc@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
From: Christopher Lupke <lupke@wsu.edu>
Subject: Chinese Division of MLA petition
Dear Colleagues:
I am writing to get names and email addresses of those willing to
sign a petition to create a Division of Chinese Language and
Literature in the Modern Language Association (MLA). Right now,
what we have is two divisions of East Asian Languages and
Literatures. The result is overcrowding and a lack of opportunities
for scholars to present their work, especially advanced graduate
students and recently finished assistant professors.
Some of you may recall that I emailed you last year about an open
meeting on Chinese to be held at the MLA. That meeting went
pretty well --there was a lot of "frank" discussion, and we believe
that Rosemary Feal (Exec Dir of MLA) and Nelly Furman (Exec Dir of
ADFL) heard us and recognize the problem.
But nothing formal has been done since. Therefore, we are taking
up a petition, following the normal guidelines of the MLA. Since we
need 100 signatures please forward this email to sympathetic
colleagues -- even those not in Chinese literature.
There is only ONE rule: signatories MUST BE CURRENT MEMBERS
OF THE MLA. Please CONFIRM to me that you are a member.
To support this petition, please email me at lupke@wsu.edu as
soon as possible. And thanks for your help.
Christopher Lupke
Washington State University
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