CSG news update -- 2006-06-02

From China Study Group <chinastudygroup@gmail.com>
Date Fri, 2 Jun 2006 02:00:32 -0700

China Study Group news update

Found in Translation: King's 'Dream' Plays in Beijing
New York Times | 2006-05-30
Howard W. French
For months now, Caitrin McKiernan has gone from place to place in this city to ask Chinese people an unlikely question: What does the life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. mean to you?  The questions don't end there, either. In most of these gatherings, she gets far more specific, burrow...

China Urged to Reassess Tiananmen
New York Times | 2006-05-30
Joseph Kahn
A group of 126 people whose relatives died in the suppression of the June 1989 pro-democracy demonstrations in Tiananmen Square issued a joint appeal on Monday to reassess the episode and compensate victims, even as Chinese authorities worked to stop any possible commemorations of it as the annivers...