RE: rural reconstruction
"Mobo Gao" <>
Thu, 12 Jan 2006 10:30:45 +1100
University of Tasmania
Good points Chuck. But don't some academics working in the China field not
only accept but also propagate the 'Deng saved rural China' argument?
-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of William C Wooldridge (woldrdge@Princeton.EDU)
Sent: Wednesday, 11 January 2006 1:10 AM
Subject: Re: rural reconstruction
Lynn White makes a similar point in his book Unstately Power, which has a
wealth of information from around Shanghai suggesting that even some of the
agriculture research undertaken during the CR contributed to a growth in
rural output. Others are more expert than I, but I remember something about
more efficient methods for transfering rice seedlings...and also I think
better access to tractors and such.
Why the Party might want to tell a different story is clear to me. Why
academics working outside China accept the "Deng saved rural China" argument
merits further discussion.
Chuck Wooldridge
Brian Turner wrote..
> Has anyone read the new book _Revolution, Resistance,
> and Reform in Village China_, the sequel to _Chinese
> Village, Socialist State_? In comments about the book
> prior to publication, Selden said that they planned to
> discuss how the roots of the reforms can be traced to
> 1970, and the green revolution as well. Apparently
> there were more periods of relative market relaxation
> and local experimentation than usually portrayed,
> which probably explains why agricultural output growth
> was pretty good in the 1970s. My point is that the
> 1970s may be closer to the 1950s than people imagine.
> Though there's so much regional variation.
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