Left-trends in Latin America 2

From Brian Turner <myrd62@yahoo.com>
Date Sun, 18 Dec 2005 22:29:59 -0800 (PST)
Domainkey-signature a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=s1024; d=yahoo.com; h=Message-ID:Received:Date:From:Subject:To:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Content-Transfer-Encoding; b=R23C4Ln80c9qPmc5UaZTyBulHGm2avFzj+gGB7exKTENHIQt+FD+cc5fs+mtJHp+77UF5FjaiBP149Zb74Jg9wzHva40G3S5/X1GO64rVUXTg18XmPHU8vSn3E5RMKruGoDofkkbyrVQWq0H48Q8PdsMooA6Xs8GbROOhNouTgw= ;

> We still need few more years to see if the Latin
> American trend will last.
> You may think I am a cynical, but I fear for the
> leftist politicians (if
> there are any)in Latin America. I fear not only for
> their political lives
> but also physical lives. They have had a few years
> of breathing space for
> far because the so-called Muslim terrorism has
> extracted the energy and
> attention of the people who master the world (at
> least they think they are).


I don't see 9-11 as a turning point here.  I think the
ability of the US to use covert methods to influence
Latin American affairs is seriously eroded (perhaps
Clinton didn't have the desire to anyway).  I presume
Bush wishes he had the tools of Cold War era
presidents, but the way I see it he doesn't.  Look how
badly the Venezuela coup went (a minor action compared
to the past).

Given the international media, the interent, the lack
of Soviet bogeyman, the discourse of democracy
(qualitatively different from the Cold War) it is
virtually impossible to oust unwanted governments,
much less kill a leader.  

My view is the tactic will be to try to tie the hands
of the leaders by "locking in" WC reforms, threatening
capital flight, and giving money and PR to pro-WC
political parties.  

These constraints on presidential influence on L.
America provides a very wide scope for social change,
I optimistically hope.

If you think they have more ability, why?

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