Re: T.I.N.A.?
"Sun Wukong" <>
Fri, 22 Oct 2004 07:41:38 +0000
Brian wrote:
>Perhaps where we'd disagree is I think TINA to markets (not necessarily
>capitalist markets as you see and
>augmented--are applicable to all sorts of institutional arrangements).
>Central planning is an alternative to markets, but not really a desirable
>one as an overall system (for parts of the economy, sure). The alternaties
>to BOTH central planning and markets is hazy territory indeed. The only
>sincere attempt I ever read is the PARECON idea (participatory economics,
>Michael Albert). I agree with one socialist author who called that idea
>"quite mad". That system would surely evolve into something very similar
>to central planning, unless you want to spend your whole life in meetings
>arguing with your fellow countrymen about why you should be allowed to have
>a new t-shirt this month.
Brian, you touch on a topic of particular interest to me. A lot of radicals
shy away from this kind of logistical question-- for some very good reasons,
such as the practical need to focus on interpreting and contributing to
really existing social struggles, and the relative futility of sketching
blueprints for ideal social arrangements that we have no power to put into
practice. But David Schweickart and others have pointed out that there is a
very real political need to convince people logistically that "another world
is possible". He has developed the most convincing model of an alternative
"market socialism" that I have seen-- he calls it "economic democracy", and
he argues that it is truly "socialist" as opposed to mixed economy models
because all means of production are owned collectively by the whole society
and contracted out to groups who run enterprises that compete in a market.
See _Against Capitalism_ for the long version, _After Capitalism_ for the
short; for the very short, see his article in _Market Socialism: The Debate
among Socialists_, edited by Bertell Ollman. This last book is a collection
of articles by four Marxist theorists, two pro-market and two pro-plan, who
pose their models, then write critiques of each other's models, and finally
respond to the critiques. I personally found Bertell's critique and defense
of the planned economy pretty convincing, but I'm trying to remain open to
new arguments. A very different approach to the question is Sharryn Kasmir's
ethnography of the Modragon Cooperative Corporation (_The Myth of
Mondragon_, in which she argues that workers' ownership does not necessarily
abolish capital-- that in the context of a capitalist market, in Marx's
words, workers "become their own collective capitalist" (Capital Volume 3,
Chapter 27), and that, moreover, this is not just a theoretical curiosity,
but a real problem with concrete consequences for workers. I actually wrote
some notes on this, if you're interested:
But, like I said, I'm far from settled on this question and eager to hear
new perspectives. One constellation of perspectives I'm just beginning to
grapple with is what, for simplicity's sake, we might call autonomist
schools, including anarcho-syndicalists like the IWW, council communists
like herman gorter and paul mattick, the italian new left (itself a diverse
constellation of perspectives), as well as what we might call neo-anarchists
(or neo-utopian socialists?) like michael albert (i think you're right to
point out its impracticality, although the anarchists retort that they
already practice a form of parecon on their communes, and that its
practicality as a general model only depends on people's willingness to
follow their example). Not that these models don't have problems, but i
think it's worth studying them. If you're interested, here are some links:
I note that you still have some faith in not only the market, but even a
reformed version of the capitalist market. I'd like to turn this problematic
over to some of the more learned radical scholars on this list, but my
abbreviated spiel is that Keynesianism failed historically because, even
though the capitalist classes compromised with workers for a few decades,
they remained in a position of power (can you have a capitalist class that
is not in a position of power?) so that it has been pretty easy for them to
violate that compromise through their power to tighten the economy and
create recessions, crack down on organized labor, etc. Another direction
from which to critique Keynesianism is a world systems approach-- to point
out that the relatively high standard of living enjoyed by what Mao called
the "labor aristocracy" came (& necessarily comes, according to Marxist
theory) only at the expense of the hyper-exploitation of other workers,
along with the "accumulation by dispossession" (Harvey) of people who
previously enjoyed "substantive economies" (Polanyi) or "natural economies"
(Luxemburg). According to Luxemburg, when there's no one left to dispossess,
capitalism faces a fatal crisis, and that may be what we're facing today,
and that may also be a factor underlying the state of permanent war we seem
to be entering (I've heard that Hardt & Negri deal with this in _Multitude_;
more traditional Marxists are calling this the transition to "barbarism").
For more along these lines, I highly recommend _The New Imperialism_ by
David Harvey. (I assume you've read Bob Weil's _Red Cat, White Cat_ for an
excellent critique of Dengist "market socialism" that also has implications
for the market in general. Schweickart has his own critique of this book,
but I still tend to agree with Bob.)
I don't want to sound over-confident-- if you know of some good responses to
these critiques in defense of Keynesianism, pray tell.
Matthew Hale
ph.d. student
Anthropology Department
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-3100
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