Re: The Co-operative Model: Mondragon, Reagan, and China
Stephen Philion <>
Sun, 22 Aug 2004 23:53:14 -0500
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alex, do you know of any coops formed when SOEs have failed?
Alex Day wrote:
>Rural coops
>I glad Matt wrote this essay, both because of the
>importance of the topic and personally because it
>deals with the subject I am writing on. I think,
>Matt, that you bring up the right questions by linking
>a discussion of the (new) coops and market socialism,
>for this is how most of the activists involved in the
>coop movement I have met seem to see it—at least some
>of the biggest promoters see it them as part of market
>socialism. Jiang Bolin (whom Dong Xulin, Robert Weil
>and I visited in Siping this summer after going to
>Dingzhou) is one of the biggest promoters of New
>Cooperatives. He started several coops outside of
>Siping and helped start the one in Zaicheng (where the
>Yan Yangchu Rural Reconstruction School is located);
>he also has spoken at Utopia in Beijing on New Coops.
>His coops grew out of the reform of rural credit
>coops, to which they are strongly tied. He stresses
>that these coops are fully part of the market and they
>should be. I don’t think he really sees them as part
>of a process of struggle or of breaking with markets
>or even capitalism at all. They are a way for
>peasants to improve their “weak” position within the
>market. It is telling that the primary way they are
>effective for peasants is through purchasing and
>sales. Grouped together, peasants can lose less money
>to middle men—it is portrayed as a way to be in a
>better competitive position vis-à-vis the middle men
>in the market. Others, a little more critical, point
>out that this understanding of market competition is
>flawed; they note that the coops aren’t really
>improving their competitive position against the
>middle men so much as against other, non-coop-member
>peasants, who in turn get a worse price or have a
>harder time selling their goods. If all peasants were
>in such coops, the benefits would end up mostly being
>wiped out within the market.
> All this doesn’t mean they don’t have value and
>shouldn’t be supported. But I think it shows the
>limits to how they are being understood in China by
>some of their promoters at the moment. I think their
>value lies elsewhere: in the increased active
>participation of peasants and workers in the social
>sphere. It is as part of a process of social
>transformation that these coops begin to really have
>value—as Matt was also pointing out. Jiang Bolin
>stressed active participation of peasants in the coops
>and their control; this is much stronger than places
>like Nanjiecun. The question is, whether these coops
>will increase or decrease the combativeness of
>peasants and workers. I think it is still hard to say
>and they have the potential to work either way. It
>depends more, I guess, on outside factors, such as the
>extent to which there is a communist social movement
>or not. Another factor to think about is the role of
>intellectuals in these coops. Jiang Bolin made it
>clear that the peasants wouldn’t have joined into his
>coops if they had to bare any of the start-up costs—in
>the end he and his family have born much of the
>start-up costs.
> People here have also suggested the Ollman (which
>must be translated), so I will be definitely reading
>it when I get back.
>There is a web site that focuses on these new rural
>coops. It is put up by a young peasant that now hangs
>out at the YanYangchu school.
> Alex
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