Re: No power without brain....

From Steven White <>
Date Fri, 27 Aug 1999 15:32:44 -0500 (CDT)
In-reply-to <>

[: hacktivism :]

On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, Mike wrote:

> Creating disruption through CD and ECD has a function: it garners attention.
> Attention garners interest and interest has the potential to bring about
> constructive change.

I'mn not simply trying to fan a flame war, but how does dumping data into
an error log of a web server garner attention?  Who will see it?  How can
anyone even verify that the work was accomplished?  AFAIK it isn't
possible to get a dump of an web server error log unless you have access
to the directory that it lives in on the computer running the web server.
So beyond being able to say you did it, what purpose does this specific
action serve to garner attention?
> I would agree that constructive change is necessary. Providing alternatives
> is powerful. But there is also much value in creating interest in an issue.
> There are many roles that need to be filled in order for something to get
> done on a large scale.

Yes, there is a place for ECD but only the instances where public display
of their work is possible.

Steven White			/"\		\ /

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