(Fwd:) S26 UPDATE, Local Actions !

From "UP.secr. (MG!)" <peoples@post4.tele.dk>
Date Sun, 20 Aug 2000 17:41:11 +0200

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Dear Friends:

Momentum is gathering around the September 26 actions across the United
States, in solidarity with the protests in Prague against the IMF and
World Bank.

National and local organizations around the country -- in more than 40
cities! -- are planning actions that target local perpetrators of
corporate globalization, and connecting their plans to the major
demonstrations scheduled for Prague.

With September 26 now approximately a month away, it is time for
organizing efforts to intensify. If you haven't endorsed the actions or
committed to joining a local protest, now's the time.

Below follows a list of the organizations endorsing the S26 events, the
cities where actions are already planned, and a call to
form. If you haven't already, please sign on (international endorsements

are welcome!). All S26 sign ons and related correspondence should be
directed to Laura McSpedon, at lmcspedon@yahoo.com.

Robert Weissman
Essential Information                   |   Internet:



AFL-CIO * International Brotherhood of Teamsters * Communications
of America * Jobs with Justice * Essential Action * 50 Years is Enough
Network * Center for Economic and Policy Research * Rainforest Action
Network * Witness for Peace * Global Exchange * Center for Economic
Justice * Nicaragua Network * Campaign for Labor Rights * Action for
Community & Ecology in the Regions of Central America (ACERCA)
Ecumenical Program on Central America and the Caribbean (EPICA) *
Coalition Against Global Exploitation * Citizens Trade Campaign * New
City AIDS Housing Network * The United Peoples INTERCONNECT * Milwaukee
Pledge of Resistance * McKeever Institute of Economic Policy Analysis
(MIEPA) * Nuclear Information and Resource Service * United for a Fair
Economy * Boston Global Action Network * New England Global Action
* LP4M, Indonesia *Remdec, Indonesia * Natural Resources and Development

Institute (NADI),Indonesia * Infoshop.org * April Foundation, Indonesia
* INHURED- International HimRight, Nepal * Anarchist Action of Rochester

* Toward Freedom * Washington Peace Center * Insaaf (Justice)
International, India * 8th Day Center for Justice * Alliance for
* Nicaragua-US Friendship Office *Mexico Solidarity Network *Quixote



Albany, NY * Asheville, NC * Baltimore, MD * Blacksburg, VA * Boston, MA

Buffalo, NY * Burlington, VT * Chapel Hill, NC * Chicago, IL *
OH * Dallas, TX * Denver, CO *  Detroit, MI * Durham, NC * Erie, PA *
Greenville, SC * Ithaca, NY * Knoxville, TN * Lancaster, PA * Los
CA * Louisville, KY * Miami, FL * Montana * Nashville, TN * New York, NY

Oakland, CA * Philadelphia, PA * Orange County, CA * Pittsburgh, PA  *
Portland, ME * Portland, OR * Providence, RI *  Raleigh, NC * Richmond,
*  Salt Lake City, UT * San Diego, CA * San Fernando, CA * San
CA  * Seattle, WA * Syracuse, NY * Trenton, NJ * Tucson, AZ *
DC * Wilmington, DE *



(Note:  a formatted, more detailed call to action is available for those

who would like to print it out and circulate. For the formatted version,

contact: Lmcspedon@yahoo.com.)

Call To Action!!!

Localize the Movement for Global Justice -- September 26

The World Bank and the IMF will hold their semi-annual joint meeting on
September 26, 2000 in Prague, the Czech Republic.  The World Bank and
IMF, two of the cornerstones of the international financial system,
to be working to eliminate poverty, but their real purpose is to force
developing nations to embrace corporate globalization.  The result is
rampant abuse of workers' rights and the environment and the further
impoverishment of the very people the World Bank and IMF are supposedly
there to help.

Tens of thousands will take to the streets in Prague on September 26 to
protest these harmful institutions and their advance into Eastern

Their fight is our fight!

Fight Corporate Globalization Where You Stand!  Localize The Movement
Global Justice!

Here is What Some are Planning for September 26:

        *       Confront a Union-Busting Employer in Your Community who
Ignoring his/her workers' Right to Organize!
        *       Protest a Local Privatization Plan in Your City!
        *       Hold a Forum on Canceling Third World Debt!
        *       Target a Toxic-Waste Dumper in Your Community!
        *       Do a Leafletting or Protest at a Store Location or
Headquarters of one an Offensive Corporation!
        *       Do an action at a CitiBank branch to pressure them to
purchasing World Bank Bonds!

Endorse the September 26 Day of Action!

On the occasion of the fifty-fifth annual meetings of the governing
of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, we call for the
immediate suspension of the policies and practices that have caused
widespread poverty and suffering among the world's peoples and damage to

the world's environment. We oppose those policies that have encouraged
suppression of basic human rights and freedoms, especially those
to women, workers, and the poor.  We assert the responsibility of these
institutions, together with the World Trade Organization and
multi-national corporations for an unjust world economic system.

We issue this call in the name of global justice, in solidarity with the

peoples of the Global South struggling for survival and dignity in the
face of unjust economic policies. We seek to create just societies,
governments are accountable first and foremost to the will of their
peoples for equitable economic development.  Only when the coercive
of the international financial institutions are rescinded can such a
society exist. Only when international institutions are no longer
controlled by the wealthiest governments for the purpose of dictating
policy to the poorer ones shall all peoples and nations be able to forge

bonds - economic and otherwise - based on mutual respect and the common
needs.  Only when the well-being of all, including the most vulnerable
people and ecosystems, is given priority over corporate profits shall we

achieve genuine sustainable development and create a world of justice,
equality, and peace.



Return this form to:

Jobs with Justice
501 3rd St., NW
Washington, DC 20001
Fax. 202-434-1477
Email. Lmcspedon@yahoo.com

___ Yes!  I want to be involved in an S26 Action

        ____  List my organization as an endorser.
        ____  I want to organize a local action
        ____  I can't organize an action, but will support one in my






stop-imf mailing list



  Reiforce, expand and coordinate the new worldwide resistance
  movement !

  Join the worldwide campaign for transfer of the economic and
  political power from the corporations, their mass media
  monopoly and their governments, to the peoples !

  To demonstrate your support of all of the various endevours
  to achieve this, simply insert a permanent (MG!) behind your
  name or organisation in the heading of your e-mails, etc.

  Add this footnote to your messages.

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