~e; tree-branch antenna
brian carroll <human@electronetwork.org>
Tue, 19 Apr 2005 23:16:30 -0500
[i planned to make antler antennae though found
some interesting tree branches by the river...]
tree-branch television antenna
[it would seem there is 'decorative' potential
for using the vacant antenna holder on TVs to
add some detailing to technology-furnishings,
such that custom decorative antenna could have
lighting, could be electrostatic with strings,
which, when the TV is turned-on, would rise as
if that Van de Graff generator w/people's hair
going out in all directions, making turning-on
the TV an event (though the CRT always remains
on). wire and beads could also be used. would
imagine that the heat from the TV could become
an engine for a kinetic sculpture (such as the
photo-electric effect, with white/black sides
of some foil/material, which might spin, etc.)
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