~e; re:seismic
brian carroll <human@electronetwork.org>
Mon, 3 Jan 2005 23:16:09 -0600
some urls, then some comments below...
tsunami .gif animation // 600k. incredible...
from: International Tsunami Information Center (ITIC) site
U.N. Urges Expansion of Tsunami Warning System to Indian Ocean
AUSTRALIAN SPACEGUARD SURVEY // *** resources, graphics...
Tsunami from Asteroid/Comet Impacts
Tsunami warning system being developed in Seattle could avert disasters
'The tsunameter pioneered at the Seattle lab is actually a system -- a
sophisticated pressure gauge set on the ocean floor that sends signals
to a surface buoy, which in turn radios its findings to a satellite.
The satellite then sends the data to the scientists, who must still
interpret it and decide if a warning should be sent out.'
tsunami warning system // or lack thereof... (short)
Asia Tsunami Warning System Feasible, But Political // *** more on
'The tsunami was spawned by the most powerful earthquake in 40 years,
which struck off the Indonesian coast an hour before the tsunami made
landfall on Sunday. U.S. officials tried frantically to warn the deadly
wall of water was coming, but there was no official alert system in the
region. ' .. 'Six "tsunameters" along the Pacific coastline, one near
Chile and 14 off the Japanese coast now feed data to the U.S. Pacific
Tsunami Warning Centers in Hawaii and Alaska.' .. 'Scientists wanted to
place two more of the tsunami meters in the Indian Ocean, including one
near Indonesia, as part of a global warning system, but the plan has
not been funded, said Eddie Bernard, director of the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration's Pacific Marine Environmental
Laboratory in Seattle.'
not sure what others think of the coincidence in oil
exploration technology and earth events in the same
geographic regions... to me it is very difficult to
consider the question itself, if it were possible at
all, because of the many paradigmatic issues that are
layered in any one question which is related to other
fields or crosses knowledge boundaries, especially in
regard to electromagnetism as it is not a thing-in-
itself as a subject, or so it seems to be broken up
into discrete segments of knowledge when it is not
this in actuality.
for instance, the effect of ultrasound or submersed
loudspeakers and microphones have been reported to
be connected to beaching whales and other sea-life
over a period of years, and yet there is something
assumed from past psychological and philosophical
approaches which separates out human lifeforms and
their nervous systems and ability to 'feel' pain,
or be in anguish, from those of similarly networked
sensational beings who inhabit the oceans. often it
is declared they cannot feel pain, as they are unable
to be identical to humans in their speech, processing,
use of language, complex interactions, having thumbs,
whatever the criteria, they are separated out, apart
from the electromagnetic similarity in construction,
and some horribly inaccurate model, truly inhumane,
is applied to non-human lifeforms which are treated
as if inorganic and like nature, ready to exploit
for profit, for advantage, whatever, it is not a
question of balancing the food-chain in some very
complex multiple non-linear ecological systems, it
is instead to do some very specific task without
the fuzziness of some immaterial 'essence' which
cannot be quantified and therefore is not real.
the fact is is that if electromagnetism were its
own field of inquiry, its own empirical criteria
were based on its own foundations in knowledge,
then pre-electromagnetic philosophies would not
be dictating a sub-par reality and doing massive
retrograde damage to all systems to advance each
subsystem by increments, yet always in the other
paradigm, separated out from the whole view of
events, and thus limited by oilman and oil-co.
perspective, or whatever first person or industry
or special interest perspective could be taken at
any given time or place or space.
the ability of animals to feel pain and to be
effected by their environment also relates to
the role of humans-human interactions and the
'liability' of actions-reactions/cause-effect,
day to day in the same environment. take issues
of e-waste, toxic-recycling, and e-business, at
what cost? at what value are today's businesses
founded on, what are the criteria for evaluating
'success' and 'profit' when most things are tied
into a seamless web, and everyone perpetrates the
systems grinding upon the world stage automatically.
it is this type of thing that would be great if
mathematicians and database thinkers would start
to reverse engineer reality, and correlate the
connections between things that are left outside
the established, distributed, common-sense view
which is not able to conceive of a present beyond
a limited view of the past (pre-electromagnetic,
in many ways, with no breakthrough issue to get
fully into another foundation of constructing/
ideas, to build up new relations to the present
and connections between events otherwise that
are unexplained by the old systems of thought
except through mysticism or speculations or
conspiracy). psychologically too, as without
a foundation to base such thinking on, one may
always run up against ingrained views and the
perspectives which defend the status quo sense
of events- where opinion and fact merge together.
if the facts are electromagnetic and looking at
the events, who knows what may be found someday
when more is known. though with what is known
today in separate fields, what if that were to
be integrated and an integrated view was to be
established which could inform and improve the
subsystems reliant upon accurate EM information
to base their own R&D on-- even oil companies.
it is like the story of the elephant, it would
seem, with everyone getting a sense of the part
yet the whole is not conceptualized as of yet.
my own belief is that it is hard to pin any one
event on anyone in particular, as there are some
major forces at work, including consumption of
said natural resources in ways probably unknown
to the majority who use these resources, and it
is hard to draw a line of liability that does
not also lead to every user of a computer online,
for instance, and global warming, oil wars, etc.
it is possible one can look at a war like Vietnam,
first French then US involvement there, and then
to question its status as a oil region during the
time of the war and what it meant in these terms,
as a potential future oil fields for development.
WWII also has interesting aspects around energy.
as does most everything in one way or another in
that it connects with an unaccounted for dimension
of the critical role EM plays in its formation,
until it is made unspectacular by becoming more
common sense knowledge, that it is not discounted
or uncounted or disregarded from the case in point.
for the tsunami that could be soundings, it could
be radar, it could be tesla-tech geological warfare,
it could be vibrations, resonant frequencies of sound
waves, it could be disruptions of information/patterns,
it could be a view of the fever-charts which record the
vital signs of the Earth's oceans, comparing these to
those of brain-waves or heart-beats (eeg/ekg) which
show the tremor, maybe like a cardiac-arrest and the
resulting systemic emergency. the monitoring buoys
could be an artificial sense/sensor system to relay
signals back to the artificial/database/networked
brain around the world, of oceanographic researchers
and monitors, who go to their systems to report to
that part of the world body, or find themselves to
be unable to do so, effectively, then to reprogram
its actions to prevent further such devastations
as a giant intelligent system, world organization.
in this conceptual view, of the whole or a greater
whole than one part, the oceans, the fish and sea-
lifeforms, the oil explorers, the global tourism
industry, the weather monitors, satellites, and
other dimensions are like different parts of the
same thing, like cells in a body performing their
different tasks and maybe for the worse, too. yet
this shared context is, to me, closer to where a
questioning would be if it were empirically-related
across industries and from some EM perspectives,
not that it could not be true, but that there may
be many truths needed to achieve that point of view,
and it seems many are psychological/philosophical,
that reason is needed, a new foundation of relating
things that is not achieved for electromagnetic-
events by way of non-electromagnetic analyses of
these EM critical events and their specific nature.
and this is an enigma, at least to me, what can be
accomplished if this reality is not real to anyone?
if the question is not actually a question in the
sense that it is impossible to address given the
way things exist, (and science is not science, too,
in how it is performed and considered, empirically,
when caught within language and psychological ID).
i don't know but this is my 2 nanocents of guessing
that it is relevant, yet who knows until it can be
addressed at a high-level of consideration required.
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