~e; GIS & GPS in Education

From human being <human@electronetwork.org>
Date Tue, 16 Jul 2002 13:56:04 -0500

fwd from the educational technology (edtech) list...

>From: Anton Ninno <aninno@cnyric.org>
>Here's a list of ongoing K12 GPS & GIS school projects and resources.
>Belton County GIS School-to-Work Project
>Chagrin Watershed Institute - longest running HS GIS program in the U.S.
>CORSE 2002 -- Learn to Use GPS, GIS & Satellite Data in the Classroom
>Earth Science System Internet Project - 6 School Districts in Wyoming
>Edgewood Watershed Education Connection - teachers, students, and public
>Eyes on Wildlife - authentic research opportunities for students
>GIS at Boulder High School -- Social Studies Dept
>GIS & GIS Curriculum Modules
>GIS/GPS Technology at Ligon Middle School
>KanCRN - 1998 US Dept of Educ. Technology Innovation Challenge Grant
>Lewis & Clark Education Project
>Mathematics! Using ArcView GIS -- NR 505 K-12 Project
>NYGPS -- Using GPS for Math, Science & Social Studies Instruction
>Orton Institute - Community Mapping - schools across the U.S.
>Torch Institute - GIS & Environmental Science for K-14 Teachers
>Thornton Creek Watershed Project - a dozen schools, elementary to college
>Anton Ninno, K12 Tech Integration Trainer
>Voice: 315-431-8407  E-mail: aninno@cnyric.org
>Web: http://www.ocmboces.org/
>Onondaga-Cortland-Madison BOCES
>6820 Thompson Road, Syracuse, NY 13221
>NYGPS  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nygps/
>RIC  http://www.classroom.com/community/email/archives.jhtml?A0=RIC
>43N, 76W  http://www.confluence.org/confluence.php?lat=43&lon=-76&visit=3

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