~e; re:configuration
brian carroll <human@electronetwork.org>
Mon, 15 Oct 2001 14:40:47 -0600
hello ~e-list. have had a few weeks to reflect upon both
moving and the severely disturbing events that are now
unfolding, and this has prompted, for the better, a re-
evaluation of the goals and aims of the electronetwork.org
project, in part, and as a whole.
as a whole what has become clearer is that the goals of
the project center around education, not any particular
issue, institution, nor agenda. yet, prior to the 9/11
tragedy, the only way these ideas about electromagnetism
being of cultural and intellectual value in society has
been through competing with other ideas, often in a mode
of confronting systems and organizations, to try to enact
some sort of change. the success of such a strategy is
only in getting some attention, often negative, and also
hostility, as the way things are configured make it such
that one version or another of what is real and of value
succeeds over another. as an individual, working alone,
this tactic proved itself unsatisfactory, as the goal
became against institutions, rather than attempting to
work outside of them. this was necessitated though as
no insitutional opporuntities for support have been
found after years of searching, and at a certain point
an antagonistic vantage became the default for ~e.org
trying to compete with other institutionally legitimated
ideas of how things are, should be, and will always be.
thus, if not already stated, a sense of backtracking has
occurred, both through reflection and common sense, that
the goals of raising awareness could be at war with the
different ways of seeing the same phenomenon (divided
in various sectors and disciplines), or trying to find
a way to communicate, to provide a basis and groundwork
for a different way of perceiving electromagnetic phenom,
but not through direct struggles with established systems
by debasing their competencies, but rather through an
educational lens, operating outside of the traditional
structures. and it will take time. as does learning, as
it becomes more evident that Education is a prerequisite
to other things. that is, finding a common language, a
common basis from which to cooperate, both inside and
outside institutions, in public and private, as people,
organizations, businesses, and governments. things are
not going to change until they change. and to change,
to transform a well-entrenched way of seeing electro-
magnetism through a centuries old paradigm, requires
developing a solid, peer-reviewed set of assumptions,
hypotheses, and debate about these basic issues.
rather than looking backward, it is more as if it is
a type of 'thinking backward', wherein specific actions
or goals or ideals, in their specificity, limit the
ability for others to find a foundational similarity
beyond the separation of knowledge into disciplines
and subdisciplines. electromagnetic knowledge exists
in every discipline (in health, art and architecture,
archaeology, geology, physics, engineering, sociology,
anthropology, political science, etcetera) yet it has
yet to be seen as its own thing, its own organizing
factor, in generalist terms. meaning, that the content
of electromagnetism is a subset of every discipline,
but always a detail to be retrofitted into the older
model of understanding, that is, the empirical past.
what has become a focus is Marshall McLuhan's statement
of 'the medium is the message', which is what may be
what has happened in the extreme, wherein the mediums
of disciplines, say architecture for example, becomes
the logical and formal basis for content, which it may
rightly be in some respects. but that the content is
not the organizing factor of knowledge, as much as is
the institution of architecture. and the thought, and
gut feeling, that is now pervading this complexity is
that of a rather simple inversion, or clarification,
or extension of McLuhan's koan. the meaning is the
message. or something approximate. this is to say
that the organizing factor revolves around content,
and not the forms that it may take, in some cases.
such vantaging would enable 'electromagnetism' as
content to be the organizing factor for various
disciplines, the supra-category, for purposes of
research, study, learning, and development of a
basic understanding, and exploration of what this
means in artistic, scientific, and technological
realms. and beyond. but currently this is not how
things work, how the University works, and any one
individual cannot change this. but an idea can...
electromagnetic education.
the study of electromagnetism, to be adopted, would
need basic research into why it is unique and does
not fit within the limits of the old model of things.
if basic research were to be conducted, on such common
cross-disciplinary topics such as space-and-time,
aesthetics, and culture, using basic but new tools
for any discipline today, such as GPS, Radio Scanner,
EMF detector, and other devices, that a grounding of
electromagnetism in the everyday could be established
enabling learning and understanding through questioning
these basic everyday occurrances that are otherwise of
no value and irrelevant as they do not fit the current
paradigm. yet, there is a political dimension to any
such research, as there are debates and power struggles
over any information contesting or revaluing the import
of electromagnetic information. as it threatens to both
disrupt the current way of being, and also, call into
question some fuzzy areas, such as cancer studies,
the role of energy in geopolitics, and whatnot that
could make such efforts into an either-or counter-
productive attempt at changing the way things are,
for the better, hopefully, in this regard. thus,
such basic research would not delve into these
issues or areas, and try to debate the larger,
more complex, and highly-charged areas within which
electromagnetic knowledge exists, and is fiercely
protected, to keep things as they are, under control.
instead, basic research into lightspeed, electromagnetic
waves and information in the air, and a new cartographic
mapping would bring some presently unconnected aspects
into view, which could be useful for encouraging the
further exploration of electromagnetism as it relates
to understanding the nature and artifice we live within
which is both constituted and constructed via this new
but seemingly irrelevant and purely scientific reality.
in educational terms, children in preschool and kinder-
garten could learn about certain aspects which picques
the wonderment of children at an early age, preparing
them to further explore these issues in their growth.
kids in gradeschool could have a balanced view of
electromagnetism, not just in science class, but also
with a humanities understanding, knowing more about
the stories of the development of their local and
global cultures and environments, explaining in part,
why things are the way they are (such as with radio,
television, telephony, and the computer). the stories
of art, from early paintings of infrastructure, to
current electronic and network artforms, in addition
to artifacts such as electrical transmission insulators
could help bring 'down to earth' that phenomenon that
speeds around us as an unbounded but magical technology
that only few understand (and then, only in part). in
a sense, the opportunity exists to rationalize this
influence of electromagnetism to provide for further
understanding, and development, of future systems.
in the highschool level, both science but also with
the growing importance of telecommunications and
technical and artistic designers shown via the value
of computers in schools, could both attend to the
vocational aspects of digital literacy, and provide
work for those who are ready to specialize in their
chosen fields, as internetworkers, by tying in these
desires with the multimedia and IT training schools
that have cropped up like weeds in most every city.
in college, students could further pursue and expand
their knowledge of electromagnetism, both as a specific
endeavor, via 'electromagnetic studies', or within
other disciplines by having a basis in understanding
the new electromagnetic aspects of our daily lives.
and these could be applied to any discipline, via
the expanded use of research tools in various fields
of study, such as GIS as a cross-disciplinary tool,
or using computing and media skills (in such things
as DVD production using digital video and audio to
present ideas, conduct research, and also provide
empirical content which can become a basis for
furthering knowledge of any specific discipline).
in part, to pursue this goal of raising awareness of
electromagnetism will require what is most likely a
three part strategy, upon which grants will be based
for their fulfilment.
the first part requires retooling the electronetwork.org
website, and this will occur by transferring it to a new
server, securing it from hacking as much as possible, and
rebuilding parts to automate aspects such as the database
and links directory using open-source software, such as
PHP and mySQL. so too, by reevaluating the goals of the
project, the design will require a change, to drop parts
of the current prototype and build others. the aim of
this build-out will be to gather together those from
various disciplines whose work focuses on electromagnetism,
and put them in one place, so the larger congruity of
the content can be seen as an logical organizing factor
and hopefully, meaning can be found in seeing these
parts as a whole, that is, the content, the meaning,
and the various messages that abound, albeit diversely.
this is the concept of electronetworking with others
around electromagnetic content and its meaning & value.
part two will require enabling basic electromagnetic
Research and Development to occur, from a content-based
perspective. that is, to provide a groundwork for the
educational and cultural exploration of electromagnetism,
while being inclusive to the scientific complexity of
such attempts. (that is, a mystery never solved, and
a basic understanding that is always in question). to
do this, support will need to be found for conducting
such research in a local environment, much like an
archaeologist who conducts a dig in a grid, to find
the layers of information buried below the ground. in
the case of EM research, it would be the opposite to
some extent, digging in the air above, through the
technologies which utilize electronics to sense, and
to capture data streams and coordinates in any given
space, and from this, to hypothesize about its meaning.
such an effort would both produce documentation that
would be copyright free as educational research, but
which could be applied to others' efforts, to conduct
similar but extended or different research, to try
and crack this paradigmatic egg and find out more
about what it is. the idea of this research is to
pursue a type of open-source educational content,
which is basically a diagram of 'the big bang to
the internet', a flowchart of sorts, upon which
different mediums could be used to communicate,
and explore, various aspects of its relevancy to
daily life. for example, with basic knowledge of
electromagnetism established through reseach, so
that others can participate and collaborate in
expanding this initiative through various forms,
such as posters, paintings, sculpture, software,
compositions, DVD films, children's books, etc.
for example, if the cultural aspects of electro-
magnetism could be clarified enough for the every-
day person, then a museum exhibit, say, online and-
or offline, in various locales, could bring together
the meta-museum aspects of the content, by collaborating
with history museums, company museums (such as Bell),
fine arts musuems (for more ancient EM content such
as the iconography of electricity in early religious
paintings, or in more modern works exploring electric
lighting, or today's digital canvases), bringing such
things together as artifacts and old technologies,
local documents and stories, and artworks new and
old which show a more 'whole picture' and integrated
view of electromagnetic culture, bringing in the
humanities side of thing, to balance the scientific,
which by itself often makes people shy from thinking
about electromagnetism at all, as it is so abstract.
in creating such basic research and developing both
electromagnetic content and hopefully awareness, the
idea of 'electromagnetic studies' would be formed
and displayed in a public and interactive setting.
the third part, which would require the previous two
and take things further, would be to establish an
electromagnetic studies institute, multidisciplinary,
transparent, and open-source for providing content
for electromagentic education in many fields and
in many disciplines, entirely copyright free for
educational fair-use. where the cost of both the
distribution and reproduction of the content would
be optimized and borne by the users of the content
via digital reproduction, such as downloading digital
files and reproducing them locally, or purchasing a
DVD at cost so as to copying it for educational use.
this content could include texts, software, video,
audio, posters, imagery, and books among other things.
in this way, by establishing 'electromagnetic studies'
and an insitute to have conferences and collaborations
at, a place to bring together various researchers and
interests and disciplines in a public setting, would
in turn enable the chance that 'electromagnetic studies'
could eventually become integrated in the traditional
University setting, just as 'american studies, queer
studies, and media studies' and others have found
validation for their intellectual importance in
understanding today's world we exist within. if
electromagnetism's relevance as a whole could be
defined, and the science balanced with humanities,
it too could become an area of concentration for
those of us whom otherwise fall through the cracks
if pursuing things far beyond the great limits
imposed upon electromagnetic knowing today, as
it is of another paradigm, requiring a different
empirical understanding to ground its relevance,
and in turn, to bring together what is now apart.
these are some thoughts, some reflections, and a
statement of the goals and pursuits of the project.
it is hoped that when writing these ideas out, with
a new computer (which hopefully will soon exist) and
tools for visualizing this idea in a more cogent and
succinct way, that a grant may be found and support
to pursue this public effort and work, so that it
may indeed happen. yet, not by contesting systems
that currently exist, but working outside of them
and when given the opportunity, reasoning with
others in public debates or collaborations, working
together hopefully, to see this 3 part project born
and grow and hopefully fulfil some of the goals
stated above. any help or suggestions are as always
greatly appreciated.
brian carroll, ~e.org facilitator
the electronetwork-list
electromagnetism / infrastructure / civilization