US global energy policy at G8
brian carroll <>
Tue, 24 Jul 2001 00:11:44 -0800
>from the G8 meeting, regarding energy issues and the US positioning
>on issues thereof...
>which fits well with the idea that the US admin has a specific
>industrial viewpoint of replicating past energy policies onto the
>future, while ignoring how and why they do not work, for the human
>majority, and resist change to adapt to better systems that help
>build, not destroy, democratic power on both a local and global
>" While the other countries wanted to press forward with the Kyoto
>Protocol, Bush continued to reject even that flawed attempt to fight
>global even that flawed progress on global warming
> (as he also threw up obstacles to funding the
> UN Global Environmental Facility, which funds
> renewable energy and sustainable development
> in poor countries). "
>- - - - - - - - - - - -
>The real enemies of the poor
>By David Moberg
>- - - - - - - - - - - -
>Mon Jul 23 23:37:59 2001
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