Fwd: 'Turning California On'
brian carroll <human@electronetwork.org>
Sat, 30 Jun 2001 08:36:38 -0800
thanks S. for the e-mail OpEd from the NYTimes site...
>NYT opinion piece on the California energy crisis
[one comment i'd make, regardless of this OpEd is that
most views are short-medium, same as it ever was, keep
things moving forward, rolling along, without substantial
and probably painful change in the structure of how things
are done. that will take eco/soc/political power that is
not possible now in the bureaucracy of democracy, as far
as i can believe. thus, whatever is crisis solved is only
like the 'finger in the dike' effect. news today on salon.com
of california, world's 5th largest economy, going into a
possible recession, slowing down. that it is assumed that
if things are fixed, they will speed back up, while also
disregarding medium-long term changes that are absolutely
necessary (decentralized systems, efficient, clean) is not
buying a new lightbulb alone, but redesigned the entire
power grid. see wired's Electrical Grid article on how
this would be done by industry think-tanks, partly on
the right direction, but still an insider's and corrupt
because of that lack of public review and involvement
and needs-fulfillment/value, thus, this is far from over
it seems to me. i'm biased though. i've thought it was
broken for quite a while now, and that ignoring this
is the achille's heel of electromagnetic civilization.
weird things are bound to happen.bc]
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